Tag Archives: Gymnastics

P5S – Gymnastics

Image result for gymnastics

In gymnastics we moved onto the equipment. In groups we are working our way around the stations and had to consider how we could use the equipment to show the movements we have been practicing. We didn’t manage to get around them all, however we will continue with the stations next week so you will have a chance to try each of them.

Here are a few action shots of you showing off your moves. Please tell someone at home what moves you are doing.

P5S – Gymnastics (2)

Image result for gymnastics

Today we had our second gymnastics session. We are continuing with our floor work and practicing of the main movements in gymnastics. Please tell someone at home what these movements are called.

In your groups you are creating a routine to show off all of the movements and I have to say most of the groups are taking it very seriously. Once again you were asked to ensure the transitions between moves, and group members, was as smooth as possible. I look forward to seeing your completed routines next week before we move onto the apparatus.

Here are a few (blurry) action shots from this afternoon.

P5S – Gymnastics

Image result for gymnastics

Yesterday we started our gymnastics sessions in P.E.. We are beginning with some floor work and looked at creating individual sequences using the four main movements in gymnastics: rotation, flight, balance and inverse.

How well did you do? Did you manage to incorporate all four moves into your sequence? How well did it flow? We definitely have some naturals among us. Next week you will be showing off your moves to everyone so during our practice session you will need to try and make the transitions between moves as smooth as possible.

Here are a few action shots from yesterday’s session. It was a little tricky to catch everyone performing their moves but I will post some more photographs next week too.