Category Archives: Whole School News

Sumdog Contest – Maths Week Scotland

As part of our celebrations and participation in Maths Week Scotland (11th-17th September), our P2-7 pupils have been entered into the Sumdog National Contest.

How it works

To take part, pupils simply play Sumdog’s maths games. Scores are based on accuracy and the questions are tailored to each student’s level – so everyone has a fair chance. The contest runs from 8am on Friday 8th to 8pm on Thursday 14th September. Pupils will be given time in class to play but can play at any time during this period.

Rewards for pupils

As well as improving pupils’ confidence, speed and accuracy with their number bonds and tables, as a reward for taking part, each pupil who answers 100 questions will receive an item for their Sumdog House.

Park Mains Cluster Schools

We will be competing against schools throughout the whole of Scotland but we will be focussing on beating our closest primary schools: Bargarran, Barsail, Inchinnan, Langbank and Rashielea. Our Daily Score will be posted on the Blog, so keep your eyes peeled to check our position on the Leaderboard!

Please save this link to allow your child to login to Sumdog without having to enter the school code:

Good luck and try your best!

Maths Week Scotland, 11-17 September

Dear Parent,

We have organised many fun activities to help promote numeracy and maths as part of Maths Week Scotland. A few of the main messages that Maths Week Scotland wants to promote:

  • Maths skills, understanding and confidence are important for everyone.
  • Everyone can ‘do’ maths; it’s a way of learning and thinking that we all use and can develop.
  • Maths ‘is everywhere’ and relevant to day-to-day life and work – decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning, assessing probability and risk, and many more.
  • Being confident about and enjoying maths is about commitment and learning. It’s not ‘a gift’; it’s something we can all acquire if we want to.

Please read below to find out some of the fun activities your child will take part in:

  • Each stage will be involved in one full day of fun maths activities where they will visit different teachers to practise and learn new maths skills. This will take place on Tuesday 12th September.
  • P2-7 classes have been entered into the Sumdog National competition which runs from 8am, Friday 8th to 8pm, Thursday 14th September. Your child has been issued with their Username and password. They will be playing the games during class time and they can also play the games at home. We are competing against the whole country but focussing on beating our local schools in the cluster. Check our Blog and Twitter for daily updates!
  • Your child will only have Maths and Numeracy homework during Maths Week and we would encourage you to help to promote the importance of maths and numeracy in their everyday lives. The homework will be a checklist of suggested activities where they can record what they have done. Photos and any extra evidence are encouraged!
  • We will be visiting the local Co-op and would like the pupils to buy a small item so it would be great if you could give your child some money to spend (£1 max). Adult/parent helpers will be required to accompany the classes on their visit.
  • We have fun Maths Trails available at the Main Office/Class Teacher for you to complete with your child or on their own by walking around the school grounds and on their walk home. Please ask for copy and complete with your child before or after school. Send the completed form in with your child to their class teacher.
  • Every day at 10am we will take part in RIC (Renfrewshire is Counting). The pupils will do counting activities, e.g. games, forwards and backwards counting sequences, multiples or times tables, , number patterns and sequences, relevant to their level. This should last about 10 minutes.
  • We will create Maths in Art designs. Winners form P1-3, P4-5 and P6-7 will be entered into the cluster school competition. Winners will be announced on Friday 15th September.
  • Renfrewshire Libraries have joined us in partnership to help celebrate Maths Week Scotland by planning activities that families can get involved in when visiting their local libraries. One such activity is a competition to create a new Skoob who loves Numeracy and Mathematics!
  • Please visit the websites below for more information and ideas of how to take part at home, as well as checking your child’s Blog.
  • If Tweeting about your celebration via Twitter, please use #MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire to get our efforts trending.

We are looking forward to sharing our passion of Maths and Numeracy with the pupils of Bishopton Primary and hope the enthusiasm spreads! If you have any questions about Maths Week Scotland, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind Regards,

Miss McDowall

Principal Teacher

P7S Build-a-Business – Order Form

P7S Superhero Smoothie Recipe Book

In P6, we were given a task to design a superhero themed smoothie. The colours in the smoothie had to match up with the superhero we had picked. As a class we voted for our top 3 favourite recipes and made them up for taste-testing. They were delicious!

We have now turned our amazing recipes into a Superhero Smoothie Recipe Book. This is an electronic book (not printed) and are for sale for £1.50 for a limited time. They contain loads of different fruit, juice and yogurt recipes and are available by completing the contact form on this post.

If you would like to order our amazing smoothie e-book, please fill out the contact form to advise our management team. Please send the money to P7S in a labelled envelope (exact money only please!). It will all be added up by our finances team during our Build a Business time on a Friday and the recipe book will be emailed out to you as soon as we can.

Thank you for supporting the P7S Build-a-Business topic!


NEW! Stage Blogs and Site Changes!

You may have noticed some changes on our school blogs. To allow us to keep you updated with all the wonderful work happening at Bishopton Primary we have had to set up each stage with their own blog. These look just the same as before and you should be able to navigate between the main school site, and the class blogs, easily.

For example, if your child is in P5S you can click on the link down the left hand side of the main page to access the posts specific to them, or go via the Class Blogs menu at the top of the page. Both links will take you to the same place. This is where posts meant only for P5S will be located.

To view posts meant for everyone (eg. upcoming events, menu changes, school-wide news) you can select Whole School News from the list on the left hand side or from the News menu at the top of the page. These posts are also located in a section on the right hand side of all of the class blogs.

We highly recommend subscribing to your class updates (using the Subscribe to Primary… link). This will send an email every evening with all updates specific to the class and all Whole School News posts.

We hope you enjoy using the blogs and seeing what is happening in the school.

Walk to School

The walk to school will be running again this year with our brand new travel champions.

Like last year, we will be running our poster competition to promote walking to school. All designs should be on A4 and submitted by next Friday (8th September) to Miss Grant’s room. Make them bright and inspiring!

We look forward to receiving your entires.

The Travel Champions


P2-7 pupils have or will be given their username and password for Sumdog. Sumdog is a way for children to practice maths skills while playing fun, math-related games against friends, classmates or students from around the world. Games are individualised for each pupil’s ability level, so users can play against opponents who have the same skills.

Please save the link below on your computer/tablet to take you straight to the login page (with the school code pre-filled). Our school code is bishopton-primary-school.

School Website – Under Construction

We are currently working away at making some changes to the school website. We hope to minimise any disruption to your use of the site while this is going on. Our aim is for each stage to have their own individual blog that you will access via the class information pages. While the links are set up for these, the pages are not currently active! We will let you know when they are.

Thank you for your understanding.

Calling All Engineers!

Bishopton Primary School is excited to announce that it is now a member of the Institution of Primary Engineers. The vision is that pupils will take ownership of their learning from an early age and will engage with a range of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) activities. This will enable them to learn more about the breadth of engineering and its career paths.

By engaging with engineering projects, pupils will be able to make connections between their knowledge and understanding in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and apply it. Members of the Institution of Primary Engineers will be able to develop solutions to challenges and real world problems through applying their knowledge and understanding of STEM, whilst also developing the skills, attitudes and attributes needed to become engineers of the future.

A pupil-led committee will form the basis of the Institution of Primary Engineers at school level and, with the support of teachers and engineers, will develop a plan to engage pupils in engineering projects and embed engineering into the life of the school.

Calling all engineers!

Are you a member of a professional engineering institution/society or do you have links to the engineering industry? If the answer is YES, then we would be delighted to have your help and support as we embark on this exciting journey into the world of engineering. You could:

  • become a member of our school-based Institution of Primary Engineers Committee
  • deliver a talk/presentation to a class about your job as an engineer
  • allow pupils at the school to interview you about your career as an engineer
  • put us in touch with local engineering companies
  • help us arrange visits to local engineering companies
  • support us in school with our engineering projects

If you are interested in helping please fill out the contact form below.

With many thanks in advance!

Miss Burnett


Summer Reading Challenge

Organised by The Reading Agency ( and the UK public library network since 1999, the Summer Reading Challenge is the UK’s biggest annual reading promotion for children aged 4 to 11. Last year, in Renfrewshire, more than 2000 children took part.

The Summer Reading Challenge combines FREE access to books with fun, creative activities in the library during the summer holidays. Throughout the Challenge, library staff support the children, helping them to discover new authors and illustrators and to explore a wide range of different types of books and ways of reading,

 How the Challenge works

 The Challenge starts on June 5th and runs till August 19th.

  • Children sign up at their local library and receive an Animal Agents collector folder
  • Children borrow and read at least six library books of their own choice during the summer, collecting special stickers to complete their folder and incentives along the way – a free swim pass, wristband, and badminton pass
  • Library staff are on hand to advise and run family-friendly activities
  • Children who complete the Summer Reading Challenge are presented with a certificate and a medal.

Track and Field

A huge well done to Jay, Erin and Rachael who represented our school last night at the Primary Track and Field. Iain Shearer, the Active Schools & Community Club Development Officer for Renfrewshire said “they behaved impeccably, gave 100% at their event and showed sportsmanship across the evening. The pupils were a credit to our schools. They missed out on winning the team prize by only a few points but definitely deserve recognition for their efforts.”

Well done to the three pupils!

Community Cafe – Guests Needed!

Hello everyone!

Our final intergenerational community café takes place on Wednesday 31st May from 1.30-3pm. We would really appreciate your help in ensuring we have lots of visitors to the café. The aim of the café is to provide an opportunity for the host class (P5H this month) to interact with older members of our local community and to enjoy spending some time together.

Please let any grandparents, friends of grandparents, or any family friends or neighbours you think would be interested, know they are very welcome to come along! Please let them know they do not have to have grandkids at the school and they do not have to stay for the full time, they are welcome to drop in for some of the café time, we would be delighted to see them!

As this is our last café of the school year we would love it to be a big success and to see lots of new faces come along. If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact me at the school.

With thanks!

Miss Burnett

Roots and Wings Cafe – HELPERS NEEDED!

Hello there! We are after helpers for our next community cafe!

On Wednesday 31st May, the school will be hosting our final intergenerational community cafe of the school year. We will have some visitors from Erskine Care Home as well as older members of our local community. Primary 5H will be hosting our next cafe (with help from the House Captains) and spending time with our visitors while doing some different activities.

We would like to offer our guests some drinks and biscuits as part of the cafe and need some helpers to assist in the serving of the refreshments. You do not have to be a P5H parent/carer to help out!

It would be wonderful to have four parent helpers to make our next Roots and Wings Cafe a big success! It will run from 1.30-3pm (if the helpers could come for 1pm that would be ideal) and if you are able to help, please comment on this post below, or pop a note in your child’s homework diary.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Miss Burnett


Sports Day Update

Weather permitting, Sports Day will go ahead as planned tomorrow, Tuesday 23rd May. If we have to cancel due to weather conditions, we will inform you by text and Blog post in the morning.

Lunchtime Arrangements

Before lunchtime, all pupils will be taken back to class to register and collect their packed lunches, etc. If we have received the signed permission slip to allow them out of school during lunchtime, P4-7 pupils will be sent to the office to be collected.  P1-3 pupils with permission slips will be able to be collected from the Dining Hall Fire Exit (at the greenhouse). Pupils who are not being collected by their parents will be escorted to the field by their teachers.

We hope you have a lovely picnic experience on the field. We ask that you encourage your child to stay away from any equipment that has been set up for the sports activities.

Remember to dress in your House colours to show some team spirit. Eagles – yellow, Hawks – green, Falcons – blue, Ospreys – red. Please wear or bring sun cream even if it looks cloudy, because we will be outside all day. Also, please wear a hoodie or waterproof jacket, just in case!

Thank you!


Contacting the School

To allow you to subscribe to the blog for your child’s class we use a forwarding service from Google. This is why the blog notification emails come from a GMail address. However, this email is not checked by Bishopton Primary staff and should not be used to contact the school or to try and submit anything on behalf of your child.

If you need to contact the school by email, please use this address

Alternatively call the school on 01505 862203.

With thanks.

A Plea for Old Technology!

Hello! This term, P6P are hoping to create a Museum of Technologies Past – featuring items of old (retro?) technology. We are hoping to focus on phones but would happily feature any old phones, computers, gaming systems, pagers, handheld systems etc. If you are happy to donate something to our museum (it will be returned to you) please send it in clearly labelled with your child, or drop it into the school office. It does not need to be in working order!

The older the better! If we could get a hold of a 1980s mobile phone it would be so interesting to show the children how the technology has evolved over the years.

Thanks for your help!

Miss Burnett

Help Needed – Generations Working Together!

Hello everyone!

Our final intergenerational community café takes place on Wednesday 31st May from 1.30-3pm. We would really appreciate your help in ensuring we have lots of visitors to the café. The aim of the café is to provide an opportunity for the host class (P5H this month) to interact with older members of our local community and to enjoy spending some time together.

Please let any grandparents, friends of grandparents, or any family friends or neighbours you think would be interested, know they are very welcome to come along! Please let them know they do not have to have grandkids at the school and they do not have to stay for the full time, they are welcome to drop in for some of the café time, we would be delighted to see them!

As this is our last café of the school year we would love it to be a big success and to see lots of new faces come along. If you have any questions please leave a comment below or contact me at the school.

With thanks!

Miss Burnett