All posts by Mrs McNaught

Good Morning – 02/04/2020

Good morning everyone. Today is the last day of term 3, however, it doesn’t have the same feeling as it normally would.

You have all worked extremely hard over the last 2 weeks and we have all been really impressed with how you have adapted to the new routine. We hope that you can now take a wee break from the screen and enjoy some time in the garden. Fingers crossed for the weather.

If you do manage to get out for a daily walk, look out for the Easter Eggs appearing in the windows around the village. Take a picture and post it on your Team. We will be checking in to see how many you have spotted.

Pupil reports are coming out today. They will be sent to the pupil GLOW email address.  Mrs Davidson, Ms McLaren and myself have been reading them all and we have been very impressed with all the hard work you have been doing.

We are still available over the next couple of weeks if you need to get in touch with us. Please use the enquiries email address and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a relaxing break. Stay safe and well and we will see you back online on Monday 20th April.

A Message from Active Schools Renfrewshire

Dear Parent/Guardian.

After an extremely successful online workshop pilot we are pleased to announce that we have just launched new sport specific workshops that will be released over the coming weeks.

In order to take part in any of these workshops please visit and sign up now. You will receive an automatic booking confirmation immediately and then on the specific Monday outlined on the confirmation you will receive a link to an online video which you can complete as many times as you like (please ensure to check spam/junk folders for the automated emails).

We will also post about this on our social media channels to make sure everyone is kept up to date. As an organisation during these challenging times, we just want to say a massive thank you for your continued support. We also want to thank everyone that join us on our digital journey and please ensure to tag @RL4Leisure on Facebook and @RLSportServices on Twitter using the hashtag #RLSportAtHome to share your families skills.

Kind Regards,


Good Morning – 01/04/2020

Good morning. We are almost at your Spring break, albeit a very different experience from our usual last week of term events.

One of the things I most look forward to this week is the visit from the P1s and their P7s buddies to my office as they search for clues on their egg hunt.

This always creates a great excited buzz across the school as the wee ones scurry around supported by our oldest pupils. It is a joy to be part of.

As we can’t quite replicate this across the internet your teachers are planning an alternative for the whole school. Keep tabs on your team feed and I look forward to seeing the results in the coming days.

Good Morning – 31/03/2020

Good morning everyone. We had a great start to another week yesterday.

Although some people still had a few issues, on the whole, the Teams seemed to be a bit more stable. The teachers are working hard to try and give some technical support as well as answer the questions related to the learning. Please be patient with them.

The message is still the same, don’t stress or get frustrated. Leave it, do something else and try again later.

Keep up the great work. You have all been amazing. I’m loving popping into your Zoom meets. It is so nice to see all the smiling faces. It is the highlight of my day!

Good Morning – 30/03/2020

Good morning and welcome to week 2 of our home learning. I hope that you all had a nice weekend. The weather was lovely and

I hope you managed to spend some time out in the fresh air whilst staying safe and well.

This weekend some of the staff took part in the #toiletrollchallenge  You may have seen this on twitter but here is the extended version.

Have a great day and remember do what you can. If the technology is being unhelpful go and do something else and come back later.


Good Morning – 27/03/2020

Good morning everybody. We’ve made it to the last day of a very different week but one that will nonetheless become our norm for the time being.

This week we have all learned new things.  We have learned that we need to be patient. Things don’t always work first time – Teams has certainly taught us that.  We’ve also learned to be flexible and adaptable and if one thing doesn’t work something else might – the P1S tried the Team meeting but it didn’t do what they wanted so they changed to Zoom. We’ve also learned about the importance of our school as a supportive community – the posts in the General Feed, Chill Out Zone and emails are full of positive comments and examples of everyone helping each other.

So, if you have not managed to get into the assignments, download or upload documents or complete any of the tasks set please do not worry. You have still been learning valuable skills for the future.

Your teachers have been learning too and next week we will make some adjustments to the tasks so that you can complete more offline and be less reliant on the technology.

Have a lovely weekend. Stay well and we will see you all again on Monday.

Issues with Teams

Dear all,

We are aware of the issues with MS Teams that many of you are experiencing and have reported these to our IT teams.

We have been advised that this is a worldwide issue that Microsoft are aware of . It is due to the massive increase in use of Teams worldwide as schools and businesses adapt to working remotely.

Microsoft are currently working to address these issues and we will hopefully start to see better stability in the coming weeks.

In the meantime please do not harass yourselves over this. We understand the immense pressures that all families are under at this time. Do what you can, leave what you can.

This week has been a huge learning curve for us all and we are all still working on  finding the solution that works best.  All we ask is that you and your family do everything in your power to stay safe and well.

Free School Meal and Clothing Grant

Please find attached the free school meal and clothing grant application form. If you think you may be entitled to this service but have not applied as your child is in P1-3, or for any other reason please complete and return the  form as soon as possible.  Please note there is no online form therefor you must print the one attached to the email.

If you currently receive free school meals and are having difficulty receiving your payment please email  with details of your issues and we will forward it to the correct person.

FSMCG Application 1920

25/03/2020 – Good Morning

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well. Please remember to check in at some point today on the class team. If the internet becomes too slow or things are not loading please don’t worry about completing all the tasks.  We know that you are doing lots of other great learning beyond what’s on your class team. We are loving seeing the pictures that your parents are tweeting of you in action.

We want you to stay in touch with your friends but remember our normal school online rules apply to the Chill Out Zone.  No inappropriate comments, words, gifs or emojis. Your teachers can (and will) mute you from the team if required.

I have been amazed at all the interesting activities that you have been taking part in online. We are all very proud of the way you have all adapted to this new way of working and stayed on top of your learning. Well done 🙂


Good Morning – 24/03/2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well this  morning.

Please remember to try and check in with your teacher at some point during the day.  If you are having difficulty accessing the tasks in Teams, try not to get stressed or frustrated. We know you are all doing your best and hopefully things will become easier over the next few days.

Have a good day. Remember to take your breaks too 🙂



Day 1 Done

Hi everyone,

Thanks for all that you have done today. The staff have been blown away with the positivity and desire to keep up with the learning from their pupils.

We know that there have been issues today with connectivity, access to different software and more but in general we all got through it.

Please don’t stress if you are having difficulty. Do what you can, we understand that you will have other priorities and may not have access to technology. If you message your teacher and they don’t get back to you right away don’t panic. Do something else away from the computer and maybe have a go again a  bit later.

All we ask is that you check in regularly with your teacher and do what you can with the activities posted.

See you all again tomorrow and remember you can still catch up with your friends in the Chill Out Zone.  Have a good evening.


23/03/20- Good Morning

Good morning all. Today we are all starting on a different journey in Bishopton Primary School as we embark on the first day of online digital learning. This is a new experience for us all and I am sure it will take us all a few days to get it right so please don’t worry if you are not up and running straight away.

If you can manage, we are asking that you complete a Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing (Active) and one more general task per day. Your teacher will post these on the assignments tab.

Although we are not together physically, we are still the Bishopton family and we will continue to help and support each other as much as we can. Some of your teachers are working in the hubs to support Key Workers families so it may be another member of staff who is monitoring your team throughout the week.

Please remember the General channel on your class team is for learning chat only. This is where your teacher will post any important information and where you can ask any questions related to your learning. Also remember to use the reply function rather than start a new conversation each time,

The Chill Out Zone is the space where you can still meet virtually with your friends. School rules still apply, only use kind words and actions in this chat and do not post anything that is against the acceptable use policy. This channel will be monitored occasionally by teachers but we would ask parents to help us out by reinforcing these rules with your child.

As I said this is a new experience and we are all learning together. If, for any reason, you need to get in touch with us  the school enquiries email address is still active.

Good luck today lets hope that the internet holds up 🙂



Thank You

On behalf of the school I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone within the community who has pulled together over the last few days as we have dealt with these unprecedented times.

Staff have been working tirelessly both in school and in isolation to ensure that we are geared up for remote digital learning. We hope to be able to provide an excellent service to our pupils throughout the shutdown period.  Your children should have received their GLOW logins and information on how to access these resources has been posted on the blog.

Teaching staff and SMT will keep in touch with our families on a regular basis. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch. The enquiries email will still be monitored during school hours and we will respond as soon as we can. We are here to help as much as we possibly can.

We all appreciate that it is disappointing for pupils that the term has ended prematurely, however our efforts over the last few days have been focused on preparing for the period of uncertainty  and ensuring that there is continuity of learning for all pupils moving forward.

Our best wishes go to our Primary 7 pupils. We are hoping that we get an opportunity to spend time with them before the end of June but this is by no means guaranteed. This will certainly be a year for them to remember but not for the reasons we had hoped. Their resilience will certainly be tested over the next few weeks and we hope they emerge stronger and more ready to take on the challenges that high school will bring.

Pupil reports which are due to go out on the 2nd of April will now be sent to you electronically. This will be done through your child’s glow email address. Please be patient as teachers will also be dealing with high volumes of traffic on their computers, also many will be volunteering to man the schools open for key worker staff, so this may take an extra bit of time.  If you do not receive your report within a couple of days from the date above please get in touch and let us know.

Information will be provided to you on the situation moving forward through all the appropriate channels if and when it becomes available.

Once again our deepest thanks. This is a situation that no one could have predicted.  It is in times like these that we all need to live up to our school values. Take care, be kind and most of all look after each other.

We all look forward to returning to Bishopton Primary all the stronger as soon as we are allowed to.

Update from Renfrewshire Council for Essential Workers

Please see below for the latest information from Renfrewshire Council.  If you are one of the essential workers detailed below please fill in the form linked at the bottom of this post.

Our schools and nurseries will close until further notice from the end of the school day on Friday, following Scottish Government guidance.

We’re writing to parents/carers to outline the next steps as best we can and will provide regular updates as the national guidance becomes clearer. This is an unprecedented situation and we understand the concern this causes.

There will be no exams for the remainder of the school year, as per Scottish Government advice, but pupils will be supported to complete their required coursework and online resources will be made available for all pupils to ensure learning can continue.

A small number of primary and secondary schools will remain open in a childcare setting for those most in need, including children of essential workers, with social distancing measures in place – we will confirm these schools as soon as possible.

Please be patient with us as we work to make the necessary arrangements during this unprecedented situation.

For fuller information regarding school closures, details of essential workers and a list of FAQs, please visit

Who is considered an essential worker?

This list is our first phase and we will extend this further if possible.

  • All NHS and social care and associated staff supporting COVID-19 response;
  • NHS and social care workers supporting life threatening emergency work and critical primary and community care provision;
  • Essential staff working for energy suppliers;
  • All other NHS and social care workers and the wider public sector workers providing emergency and critical welfare services (Fire, Police, Prisons, Social Workers, Residential care);

I’m an essential worker, how do I take up this offer?

We are writing directly to all parents and carers to identify who this applies to and the level of interest.

If the list of essential workers applies to you, please fill the out this form via 

Essential Workers – Childcare provision.

Coronavirus – national school closure

The Scottish Government has announced schools across Scotland will close after Friday.

We are working with them to ensure continued support for children and families affected. We will provide more info as soon as we can.

Please follow the council on Twitter @RenCouncil or visit for the latest updates. Visit for health advice.

Coronavirus – information for parents and carers

The government has announced that the response to coronavirus is moving from ‘Contain’ to ‘Delay’. The advice right now is that schools and nurseries will remain open.

We are continuing to follow national guidance and our school remains open with business as usual. If this changes, we will inform you as soon as possible.

Please follow the council on Twitter @RenCouncil or visit for the latest updates. For health advice, visit

New School Name Voting Forms

Please note, the voting for the new school name is a ranked vote.

You should put the number 3 in the box beside your first choice name.

Number 2 in the box beside your second choice name.

Number 1 in the box beside your third choice name.

All forms should be returned to school by Friday 6th March 2020.

If you do not have a copy of the form please contact the school office.