Good Morning – 02/04/2020

Good morning everyone. Today is the last day of term 3, however, it doesn’t have the same feeling as it normally would.

You have all worked extremely hard over the last 2 weeks and we have all been really impressed with how you have adapted to the new routine. We hope that you can now take a wee break from the screen and enjoy some time in the garden. Fingers crossed for the weather.

If you do manage to get out for a daily walk, look out for the Easter Eggs appearing in the windows around the village. Take a picture and post it on your Team. We will be checking in to see how many you have spotted.

Pupil reports are coming out today. They will be sent to the pupil GLOW email address.  Mrs Davidson, Ms McLaren and myself have been reading them all and we have been very impressed with all the hard work you have been doing.

We are still available over the next couple of weeks if you need to get in touch with us. Please use the enquiries email address and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Have a relaxing break. Stay safe and well and we will see you back online on Monday 20th April.

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