P7M Homework – Monday 19th September

Remember to complete each task to the best of your ability. Please let me know if you are struggling with any task or need advice, as soon as possible.


  • Read chapters 37-50 and 2 BD jobs. This fortnight’s BD jobs are Summariser and Question Master. You have been told which chapters to summarise. Either chapters 37-39/40-43/44-47/48-50. You should read the chapters and complete the  jobs by Friday 30th  September. Both jobs have been modelled for you in class and you had a go at them. Click here to remind you how to complete both jobs.
  • Spelling – Complete Unit/List 2 in your Spelling Homework jotters for Wednesday 21st September. Click here   to practise your spelling words (not compulsory). Click here to see a good example of the completed spelling tasks.
  • Personal Reading Challenge – Throughout the year, please read extra texts on top of the class novels. Record what you have read and complete the tasks on the Personal Reading Challenge sheet.



  • Topic personal project – This should be completed by Tuesday 27th September. Click here to access the task.
  • You have had four weeks to plan and prepare this, and now only have one week left!


  • Bring in any unwanted sweet tins/tubs A.S.A.P. These will be used so you will not be able to take them home again.
  • House Captains wear a white shirt and tie on Tuesday 20th for a photograph.
  • Please bring in an apron or clean, oversized t-shirt on Tuesday 20th for our Japanese cooking session.
  • European Language Day on Thursday 22nd – Please wear your House colours.
  • Return any letters A.S.A.P.
  • P.E. Monday


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