P5S – Homework w/b 15.2.17

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Good afternoon everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful mid-term break so far. I am looking forward to hearing all of your stories. Here is a note of homework and reminders for this week.

Spelling:  There will be no spelling this week since it is a short week.

Reading:  Our reading homework is changing therefore there will be no official reading homework this week. I will go over these changes with you in class. You could use this extra time to continue with your Personal Reading Challenge.

Personal Reading Challenge: We now have 7 weeks of reading left. You have set yourself a personal target based on the number of books read last term and the aim is to reach it (or beat it!) before the end of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class.

Listening & Talking: This term you have a solo presentation to complete. You now have 2 weeks to plan, organise and prepare your presentation as you will be presenting in class on Tuesday 28th February. Please click here to see the task sheet with all of the details required. If you require a paper copy of the task sheet, please ask.

Maths: Please complete the word problems for your group by Friday. I will go over how you should complete this task with you in class. A sentence answer should be given. Please use the links below to access your questions.

Your maths homework is being completed to a very high standard. Keep it up!

Group 1

Group 2

Please remember you may access the Multiplication and Division Trainer for extra practice if you wish. You can access the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Here is the link if you wish to practice your 12 and 24 hour clock times a little more.

Time Teachers

Music: Please practice the song we will be singing at the Community Cafe as much as possible. Lyrics to the song will be issued on Wednesday. We will be practicing in class also to ensure we are word perfect on the day. Please click here for the song.

  1. Thursday is our fundraising day! If you are able to bring in any home baking please do so. This can be brought in on either Wednesday or Thursday morning. Once all of the other classes have visited, you may buy any cakes that have not yet been sold.
  2. P.E. is on Friday . If you have not already done so, please ensure you have a P.E. kit in school.
  3. We will need a parent helper to come to the library with us on Tuesday 21st February. Please click here for further details.
  4. We are hosting the next Community Cafe on Wednesday 22nd February. We are looking for 3 helpers. Please click here for further details. If someone is able to help, please let us know by leaving a comment on the blog or a note in your diary.
  5. Please remember if anyone at home is (or has been) linked to the River Clyde in any way through work, we would love to hear from them. Please click here for further information.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

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