Roots and Wings Community Cafe

Hello there! We are still after helpers for our next community cafe!

On Wednesday 22nd February, the school will be hosting our second intergenerational community cafe. We will have some visitors from Erskine Care Home as well as older members of our local community. Primary 5S will be hosting our second cafe (with help from the House Captains) and spending time with our visitors while doing some different activities.

If there is anyone you know who you think would be interested in coming the cafe, please let them know the details from the poster below. One of the main aims of Roots and Wings is to tackle loneliness in our local community and enable the different ages to enjoy spending time together.

Here are some quote from the children and our guests from the last cafe:

“It was really good fun talking to the visitors!”

“Bob told us about how he landed on Gold beach at D-Day. He was actually there.”

Arnott was really funny!”

“I liked showing them my book about fairies.”

“I have had a wonderful day. It has made me very emotional. The school should be very proud of the children.”

“What a lovely idea! The wee ones did brilliantly with their singing and dancing.”

“I hope I can come back again!”

We would like to offer our guests some drinks and biscuits as part of the cafe and need some helpers to assist in the serving of the refreshments. You do not have to be a P5S parent/carer to help out!

It would be wonderful to have four parent helpers to make our next Roots and Wings Cafe a big success! It will run from 1.30-3pm (if the helpers could come for 1pm that would be ideal) and if you are able to help, please comment on this post below, or pop a note in your child’s homework diary.

Thank you in advance for your help and support!

Miss Burnett


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