P7 – WW2: The Battle of Britain and The Blitz Research Task

Today you will be learning about The Battle of Britain and the Blitz. Each member of your group will research a specific part of the Battle of Britain and then share their knowledge with the group. It is everyone’s responsibility to take as many notes as they can so that your group has as much information about the Battle of Britain and the Blitz as possible because you will be taking part in a quiz next topic session.

Each squadron member will become an expert on a different aspect. You will have a set amount of time to research before bringing together your notes to share with your squadron. Notes should be as detailed and accurate as possible.

The higher order thinking skill you will be practising is understanding because after researching you will have to explain the information to your group, paraphrasing and giving examples of what you have learned. The skill for work you will be practising is self direction because you are responsibile for your own learning and what you learn and feedback affects what your group learns (and ultimately how well you will do on the quiz).

1. Clydebank: Watch the videos and read ‘The Blitz’ sheet (one side)

Clydebank Blitz 1 (allow to play until the end of ‘Gregor’ -part 4) total time 8:12mins

Remembering the Clydebank Blitz

The Blitz

  1. Planes: Read the ‘Battle of Britain in the Air’ and ‘Planes’ sheets (3 sides) and watch the video

Horrible Histories Pilot song time 2:47mins

  1. B.O.B. Overview: Read the Overview sheet (1 side)

B.O.B. Newsreels time 8:02mins

  1. Defences: Read the ‘Ground Defences’, ‘Barrage Balloons’ and ‘RADAR’ sheets (2 sides)

WAAFS and Barrage Balloons time 1:01 mins

The Royal Observor Corps in WWII time 2:41 mins

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