P5S – Homework w/b 16.9.17

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Good afternoon everyone! I hope you have been having a restful week after our busy week last week. As always we have lots to do in the coming week too. Keep reading for your homework and reminders for the week ahead.

Spelling: Units 24 and 31 should be completed this week. Our spelling will be changing slightly this term. I will go over these changes with you in class tomorrow.

You should continue to copy each word out three times in your spelling jotter. You should then write an uplevelled sentence (remembering to use interesting VCOP) for the six spelling rule words. This task should be completed by Friday.

Reading:  Please read chapters 5 and 6 of our class novel: The Borrowers. As discussed in class, there is no written homework to be completed for this as it will be done in class. However, please remember if you do not complete the reading you will be unable to participate in the class lesson. All reading should be completed for Thursday.

As discussed in class, if you come across any vocabulary that you are unsure of the definition, please use a dictionary to find this out. You may also take a note of it in your Book Detectives jotter (remember to take a note of the page number) and we can discuss it in class.

Personal Reading Challenge: This challenge will be ongoing for the whole term. We now have 11 weeks of reading left. You have set yourself a personal target based on the number of books read last term and the aim is to reach it (or beat it!) before the end of term. Please remember to bring your book to school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC sessions.

Please remember to record the books in your reading passport as you finish them. The passport is kept in class.

Maths: Please click the link below for your maths homework. This task should be completed in your maths homework jotter.  You should return this task by Friday. All jotters should now be covered.

Group 1

Group 2

Once again this task was completed very well last week. Well done everyone!

Please remember you may access the Multiplication and Division Trainer for extra practice if you wish. You can access the links below.

Multiplication Trainer

Division Trainer

Topic:  As part of our mini Scotland topic you must choose a Scottish poem to learn. You will then perform your poem to the class and another stage within the school. We will then have a class winner who will represent our class at our annual Burns’ Assembly at the end of January.

All poems should now be chosen and practicing for our recital should now be taking place. Please click here to see the areas you will be judges on.

  1. P.E. is on Tuesday and Friday. If you have not already done so, please ensure you have a P.E. kit in school. For Tuesday’s session please ensure you have a bottle of water. Please bring in a towel for our next yoga session on Friday.
  2. On Tuesday we will have another visit to the library to return and choose books. If you have your own library card, you may bring this to take books out on.
  3. We now have enough plastic bottles for our hatchery. I came home on Friday to find 4 that Declan was saving in his room! Thank you to those of you who managed to save some for me.

See you all tomorrow.

Mrs O’Neill

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