P5S – Homework w/b 12.09.16

tango face smile big by warszawianka - Smiley icon from Tango Project: http://tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project <br><br> Tango Project icons are Public Domain.

Good afternoon everyone!I hope you are enjoying the sunshine today.  It is homework time again. Keep reading for a rundown of your homework and reminders for the coming week.

Spelling: Please complete list 12 or19 in your spelling jotter. Each word should be written out 3 times and a creative spelling activity for each word should also be completed. If you are choosing to use the newspaper creative activity, you should only do so for 3 or 4 words.

Please ensure your presentation has been completed to a high quality. Also, please ensure any corrections are being completed each week. This task should be returned to school by Thursday.

Book Detectives: Please read chapters 17-19 (inclusive) at home. Once you have done so, write a short summary of what has happened in these chapters. You should also choose your favourite part for your Illustrator segment. A detailed drawing should be completed in your jotter. Be ready to explain to your group members what your illustration represents and why it is your favourite part. You should also choose a short paragraph to read aloud to your group members.

This task should be completed for Thursday. Please ensure this task is completed as otherwise you will be unable to participate fully in the class lesson.

Maths: I have set up 3 challenges on Mangahigh for you to complete. As always, you should play the games as often as possible to achieve the highest medal you can. I know that some of you are thoroughly enjoying playing the games on Mangahigh, however please remember to limit the time you are playing: DO NOT let Mangahigh take over your life!

There are also some of you who are NOT playing the games at all. If this continues you will be issued with worksheets to complete instead which are a lot less fun to do. Please remember anyone who is unable to access Mangahigh at home may use the IT Suite for a short time at the beginning of lunchtime.

These challenges should be completed by Friday.

Topic: You have now had your Personal Project task for a week. I will be checking with you this week to see what area of the Scottish Wars of Independence you have decided to research. Please remember to use your time wisely and do not leave everything to the last minute.

Please remember that if I can supply any resources from school you just need to ask.

Here are your reminders for this week.

  1.  P.E. will be on Tuesday and Friday. Please ensure you have a full kit for both days: shorts, change of top and trainers.
  2. Please return your consent form for our trip to Stirling Castle as soon as possible.
  3. If you have not already done so, please return your annual data check form.
  4. All homework jotters (Spelling and Book Detectives) should now be covered. If not, please do so. If you require paper, please ask as I can supply you with some from class.

Reach for the Stars by missiridia -

Here is our class quote for this week. Feel free to let me know what you think of it.

Image result for inspirational quotes

Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Mrs O’Neill

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