Oops, I forgot that the creative spelling activities weren’t on the blog like last year. So I will issue you with the list of activities tomorrow and it the meantime here they are here:
- blue vowels: write the common words then go back and go over the vowels in blue
- bubble letters: write the common words in bubble or block letters
- consonant circle: write the common words then circle the consonants
- vowel circle: write the common words then circle the vowels
- UPPER and lower case letters: write the common words in CAPITAL letters then small letters
- words without consonants: write the common words but leave out the consonants (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the consonants
- words without vowels: write the common words but leave out the vowel (put a line instead) then go back to fill in the vowels
- mnemonic: make a mnemonic for the common words .e.g. mnemonic = My Nana Enjoys Meeting Old Neighbours In Church
- Click to enlarge the image below from www.teachitprimary.co.uk
Here is an example of what your completed spelling homework should look like (click to enlarge):
This is a pupil’s quality work from last year. They wrote the date, title and completed each section correctly. Depending on the size of your handwriting, the task should take up approximately 1.5-2 pages of your jotter.