All posts by Mrs Smithsimmons

School Uniform Update

We understand that school uniform can be an expense and if your child is not in school full time straight away then it should be noted that less will be required.

I hope to have information to you soon with regards to uniform suggestions but for now I would suggest holding off and not buying lots of uniform. I will aim to get back to you by the end of the week/start of next week. Please don’t worry if you have already bought items.

We understand that new parents way want photographs of your child on their first day and any guidance will not impact that.

I will communicate any council plans for the August return as and when I can. Thank you for your patience in these unprecedented times.

Emma Mavers

Parent Council Newsletter

The most recent Parent Council Newsletter has been added to the website.  This is an excellent read that even includes a ‘Diary of  Parent Council Member’ that is very informative and helps show that being part of the Parent Council is not as scary as you might think and is actually fun!

Click to here to visit the Parent Council page and access the newsletter.

P3 Number Day

We had a fabulous Number day in school! We enjoyed playing SUMDOG this morning and participated in lots of active fun games in the gym hall.  This afternoon we were learning to interpret Venn diagrams and created our own thinking boards.

Every teacher had a number attached to their back and P3 were first to match the teachers with their correct number!


Website Update

We are always trying to improve our school website to keep you both informed of daily life in school and provide helpful information.  Recently our Parent Prompts page has had an update and now contains a variety of short videos that may help you support your child at home.  This is an ongoing project and many more videos are planned to be added over the course of the year.

Please take some time to watch the videos already added.  If there is a specific element of numeracy or literacy that you would like an instructional video added send a note to Mrs Smithsimmons who will do her best to source and add one to the page.

Parent Prompts

PATHS Parent Information Evening

A huge thank you to everyone who came along to our PATHS information evening. Hazel McGeoch from Barnardos gave an excellent presentation and all feedback so far has been extremely positive.

If you missed the event and would still like some extra information on our PATHS curriculum the handout below provides a good summary of what was covered on the night.

PATHS Parent Info Handout



A huge well done to the following pupils who had answered the most questions on Sumdog by the end of Wednesday.  We know that many pupils have been working hard on it today so can’t wait to see the final results!

Summer Reading Challenge

A big well done to everyone who either took part in the library summer reading challenge or even completed it!  We are very proud of everyone who tries to read as much as possible at home.

This group of children all managed to complete the challenge – well done!  They all received medals and certificates to take home.

This group of children took part in the reading challenge – well done!


Science Event at UWS

You may find this an interesting free event to pop along to at the University of the West of Scotland.

Inside Out Science @UWS
Thursday 8th June as a free drop-by any time between 5 and 7pm for kids and adults of all ages.  
The School of Science and Sport at UWS is a dynamic source of scientific research in Scotland.  Our scientists and mathematicians work in areas as diverse as infection biology, forensics, animal behaviour, sport science, geochemistry, colour chemistry, environmental toxicology and drug discovery, to name a few.  All of these areas impact on our daily lives, whether we are aware of it or not and we will show how our scientists are working from inside our bodies to the world around us to improve our lives and protect our environment. This free evening public event will provide an opportunity for young people and adults to explore these topics together through a mixture of activity stalls, interactive workshop sessions in the different areas of science and sport science, working alongside the scientists and students of UWS.  

The Big Pedal

Get set… we’re taking part in The Big Pedal 2017.  This challenge will run from the 20th to 31st March and aims to inspire pupils to cycle to school.

This is an inter-school challenge and we hope to have more pupils cycling to school than any other school!

All you need to do is encourage your children to cycle or scoot to school on their days during the event, and join them on their way – parent and sibling journeys count too!

Each class will have a different day to take part in the event.

P1-3   20th, 23rd and 28th March

P4-5  21st, 24th and 29th March

P6-7  22nd, 27th, 30th and 31st March

P4/3 Trip to the Tall Ship

We had loads of fun at the Riverside Museum and Tall Ship. First we hunted for different colours of cars, bikes and motorbikes in the museum then recorded the information using tally marks. Tomorrow we will use the information to make bar graphs. Next we had lunch then headed to the Tall Ship. We were met by pirates Bonnie Anne and Scary Mary who took us down to the hold. We sang a pirate sea shanty then went around the ship on a hunt for treasure. We were able to name all the different parts of the ship as we went. We dressed as pirates and worked hard to scrub the decks!!!

P2 Pirates and Islands topic

Primary 2 pupils have been having lots of fun with our topic over the last few weeks. We have been designing treasure maps, pirate wanted posters, learning pirate songs, and choreographing pirate dance routines in PE (see pictures below). We can’t wait to show off all that we have learned during our open afternoon on Thursday 23rd March.

Hope to see you then!

Mrs Gibney


P4/3 Search for nouns!

We had a search for common and proper nouns in an extract from our class novel, Gangsta Granny. We each worked with our shoulder partner to highlight the words and then wrote the list into our jotters under two headings. It generated a lot of very interesting discussions! 😀

P4/3 Number Day Fun

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We had lots of fun outside playing Times Tables Hopscotch! We used a beanbag and shouted the stations of the tables whilst we hopped.

We passed the ball round the circle and counted as we went. If the ball was dropped we had to start again. Our record was 139! We plan to go out again to see if we can beat it next time!!!

P3/2 Make shortbread

A huge thanks to Mrs Gooding for sharing her simple but delicious recipe with us.  We had a great time making and tasting Scottish shortbread.  The ingredients are in a photo too if you would like to make some too.  They only took 10-15mins at 180/200c.



Christmas Fayre

The Christmas Fayre is this Thursday! It is an own clothes day on Thursday and the children are asked to donate:

  • p1-2 Baking
  • p3-5 Chocolate for the chocolate tombola
  • p6-7 Bottle e.g. wine, bubble bath, juice.

Donations can be brought in any time this week.

Fayre times:

  • 6:30pm-8:30pm
  • The raffle will be drawn at 7:45.
  • The silent auction will close at 8pm.

We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!

P3/2 Kindness Advent Calendar

We are enjoying our new Kindness Advent Calendar as each day we are set a kindness challenge.  These can be completed at home or in school and can be done on any day in the lead up to Christmas.  So far our challenges have been to tell a friend why they are a good friend and to bake a cake or make something nice for someone.


Website Competition Winner!

And the winner is…….. Check your email inbox!  We have emailed the winner.

Thank you to everyone for entering our competition to win 2 front row tickets to a Christmas performance of your choosing.  Details of the performance times and dates went home in a letter today for you to choose from if you are the winner.


P4/3 were making a glossary of chick facts!

P4/3 have been learned all about the Life Cycle of a Hen. Today we were using the facts that we have learned to create a glossary . We worked in our Cooperative Learning groups to match the facts with their meaning and then we had to put them into alphabetical order. We wrote them into our jotter to make our own P4/3 glossary. We worked eggstremely hard!! 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣

Subscribe by Email Competition

Well done to everyone who has already subscribed to receive email updates.  You are already entered into the prize draw to win two front row tickets at a Christmas performance of your choosing.  Remember to encourage other parents in the school to do the same so they can also be in with a chance of winning.  You never know they might even share their tickets with you if they win!

P3/2 Open Area

P3/2 enjoyed a busy open area practising their typing and building skills.  Two of our pupils hope you enjoy the poppies they made!  We also thought very carefully about the design of pencil cases so we can design our own next week.

NYC Marathon Finish Line

Sadly the NYC Marathon is all over, I have definitely missed my P7 pupils and I’m looking forward to getting back to work,  however the marathon was unbelievable.  I loved every second of it. I’m very grateful that I have the opportunity to share this with you all.

It inspires me that I can defy my own assumptions and trying to effect positive change is something that’s very important to me. I hope that you might try something positive that might make a difference and challenge you! Today was definitely really important, as this was a dream I never thought I could achieve.

Overcoming challenges is never easy, but none the less extraordinary! I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Thanks for letting me share this adventure and for sponsoring our amazing school! Team Barsail!


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NYC Marathon Morning




Good morning, it’s 5am in NYC and I’m just about to leave the hotel and head towards Grand Central Station, before getting the ferry to Staten Island to begin the run.


Yesterday I picked up my bib and visited the Apple Store to discover more amazing apps that are available for the iPads!

I have included some images from yesterday.


Today I will definitely be facing my fears and living one of my dreams. No matter how long it takes!

The view of New York City from Newark Airport.
Apple Store
Health and Wellness Expo
New York City Library.
Security is very important and is evident everywhere.

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TeamMila Community Charity Event

Barsail Primary are delighted to support Team Mila- one of our chosen charities this session. P6 and 7 pupils created items to sell and came along to work at a coffee morning between 10am and 2pm on Saturday 5th November in Bargarran Community Centre. We are so proud of our pupils who are responsible citizens and effective contributors!! Community involvement is extremely important to Barsail. We consider the wider community of Erskine to be part of our BARSAIL FAMILY.


£130.40 raised and donated straight to Team Mila! Well done p6-7 pupils and teachers.




Mrs Napier’s Marathon Update

Mrs Napier is all set to head off to New York in the morning. We know that she will miss us all terribly!

This short video shows the course and gives some interesting facts:

It is possible to track Mrs Napier by her bib number: 38031

This website provides lots of information:

How to Watch the 2016 New York City Marathon






Paisley for UK City of Culture 2021


You may find the website link below interesting as it provides lots of details of the Paisley bid for Uk City of Culture 2021.  It also gives details of some great events happening over the next few months which you may wish to attend.  For example this weekend there is a ‘spooktacular’ Halloween Festival celebrating Halloween around the world.

Marathons for iPads



Here at Barsail, we can’t wait until we participate in our ‘Marathon Challenge’ on Monday! We can wear sports clothes, with no charge, however please sponsor us through our website:


Thank you so much to everyone who has already sponsored us!

Ms. McDowall has completed her part of the challenge with an astonishing personal best time. The Amsterdam Marathon was completed in 3hrs 17mins. Wow!!

Mrs napier has been busy getting ready for her New York marathon next week. Mrs Napier has covered an incredible almost 250 miles of running in preperation for this challenge and is now packing for New York and getting nervous.

Look out for more blog posts next week and please remember to donate.

Thank you.

Easy Fundraising

If you register with the website, selecting Barsail as the cause that you want to support, Barsail can then receive commission in respect of many online purchases. Many of the package holiday companies are on the website and as such, if even only 10 or 20 families used the site to book their holiday, we could prob raise something over £1k. (That’s another 2 iPads!), etc are also on it.

In fact, most companies are on there – please check before you buy anything!

Thanks for your continued support.


Maths Chilli Challenge!

Primary Seven are working super hard in Maths. Today they were learning to calculate the value of a letter whilst having fun. They got 4 options to pick from and it was called the chilli challenge. Here are some quotes from the primary sevens!

“It was good to have a choice so that you could challenge yourself”

“It was really fun because it was different to what we normally do!”

“I found it easy but next time I will challenge myself more and go for HOT! HOT! HOT!”

“I liked it because I found it quite challenging”

“Next time I will try a bit harder to challenge myself”

Hopefully we will do this again and challenge ourselves just that little bit more! Check in soon for more exciting things!!

P7 Blog Posts

A big apology to Primary 7 who have been working hard on their blog posts.  Unfortunately while fixing their class page their blog posts were deleted.  We look forward to seeing their updates in the future.

Parent Council Fundraising

Parent Council Fundraising
A joint venture with staff, parents and pupils!

The Parent Council consulted the school to find out what we wanted money raised this session to go towards.  During the first Parent Council meeting, I explained we would like to purchase iPads.  

The iPad in the classroom brings education to life. Children have endless access to valuable information and it allows learning to become more engaging and memorable. Aside from the many apps available for free, teachers can use the iPads to engage and challenge student minds in creative ways.
Tools such as audio and video recorders can change the way that learning takes place. In addition, video creation and editing is simple on the iPad, this can be a great cooperative group activity.

Of course, the mobility provided by the iPad’s wireless capability allows the unprecedented access to the Internet anywhere pupils are. This is truly information on demand. As questions arise, students can google for clues and insights to begin their studies. Even more powerfully though, children can have access to volumes of primary source documents and data.

Another positive is that the iPad will make it easier for classes to contribute to a blog, a rewarding experience which allows the children to get their first taste of being published on the web.

Ipads are a great tool for interactive classroom sessions or group projects. Students can cooperate in real time with up to ten others, to brainstorm and build a presentation on one shared virtual whiteboard.

Consequently, the iPad offers numerous positive benefits across P1 to P7 and allows pupils to challenge themselves in ways they never imagined!

Here is a link to a Just Giving page which will begin the fundraising effort this session:

The challenge is to bring iPads to the classroom. The aim is to raise enough funds to purchase a class set, if possible by the end of the school year. To get things kick started, we’re getting our trainers on:

– Mrs Napier (p7 teacher) is taking on the marathon in the Big Apple (New York) on 6 November

– Joanne McDowall (PC member) is taking on Amsterdam marathon on 16 October

– EVERY CHILD in the school will run / walk 2 miles, AND

– the staff, as a team, will collectively complete their very own marathon!

We would love it if you were able to support the runners and make a donation.

The date for pupils and staff to complete two daily miles will be Monday 31st October.  Pupils can wear sports clothing on this date. There will be no charge for own clothes.  We just ask that as many families as possible donate on the Just Giving page.

Thank you for your continued support,

Emma Mavers

Acting Head Teacher

Primary Seven Writing

We were asked to write a descriptive paragraph about an evacuation scene.
Here are a few of our fantastic examples…

Sadly, the five despondent children were abandoned in a mysterious station. They were bewildered as to why they were standing in a row. However, the towering boy, at the front, was standing bravely defending the young ones. Surprisingly, the adult walked to the train, the boys and girls swiftly ran after him. But the children were concerned about where their parents were. The anxious man boomed ” Get in the train now…” The petrified children did as he said, whilst the small boy in the back dropped his fluffy teddy. Therefore, he hurriedly gripped the teddy and leapt in the train. A stressed boy sat next to his friend. After that they went as fast as lightning to get to the man. He opened the steel door. Finally, they felt depressed as they all burst into tears. Nervously, they saw a giant man, suited in black, who gruffly said “What do you want?”…

William Riddell

Sadly, the five chldren had been abandoned at the grimy station by their heartless, unkind mother. Despite the fact that the youngsters were as perfect as angels. Like a caring soldier, the oldest stood strong like a statue in front of the bewildered children. The fierce-looking nun was staring scarily at the infants however the children perched precariously at the edge of the platformand silently stared into nowhere. They looked like they had seen a ghost. Despite the little girl’s cute features, the frightening police officer looked at her as if she was an alien. Then the protective boy looked into the rancid corner and saw a filthy rat crawling around, so that just made the floor even more putrid. Because it was a chilly day the boy was wearing thousands of layers. They were not ready for the journey they were about to go on…

Ellie Redford

Barsail’s Marathon Journey for iPads

Fundraising for iPads

Primary Seven have been working on improving their fitness over the term and we have been discussing my marathon adventure as part of our physical education programme. The class have been desperate to complete a ‘Daily Mile’ as part of their fitness plans and have been improving their own running during outdoor P.E.

It was suggested that we begin fundraising with the Parent Council and Ms. McDowall (who is running the Amsterdam Marathon) to try and purchase two iPads. This will allow each base to have an iPad and it would be incredibly positive for Barsail. As a school we aim to use the blog to share our learning experiences with you! In addition, as a school we are aiming to collectively run a marathon to raise awareness of our fundraising challenge.

A huge part of running the NYC Marathon this year has been about improving my own fitness and inspiring others to participate in sport at any level, even running at their local park. Although running a marathon has always been a personal target, it’s one that has felt unachievable at times. So, I hope to highlight that having goals and working towards targets is incredibly positive. We might not succeed first time, but the process is just as valuable as the product.

I will be sending blog posts from New York and sharing Primary Seven’s running and fitness targets.

We would be incredibly grateful for any sponsorship as we embark on our ‘Marathon Challenge’.



Mrs Napier and Primary Seven

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Barsail Bloggers

I’m Mrs McAtasney and I am organising our wonderful Barsail Bloggers this year.

The children will be visiting different classes, checking in on what is happening and updating our blogs to fill you in.

We have had out first meeting and they are raring to go, so come and check out our page monthly to see what is happening across the entire school community.


Barsail are Sporting Champions!

imageWell done Team Barsail!

The whole school has been given the Renfrewshire School Sports Award after being nominated by our Active Schools Co-Ordinator Iain Shearer.

We triumphed over all of the competition because we:

  • attend Renfrewshire competitions and events across many sports e.g. Badminton, running, hockey
  • have reestablished the football team, basketball team and are introducing a netball team
  • encourage parents and community volunteers to support our sporting events e.g. Health Week, BASE
  • work in partnership with Active Schools
  • have improved the procedures for clubs (BASE) and offer a wide range of opportunities
  • have introduced a Sport and Health pupil group
  • encourage 5th and 6th years at Park Mains to support our pupils and develop their own skills
  • have improved Physical Education and Sport within the curriculum

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the parents who helped coach, guide and support our school to achieve this wonderful award!


ICT time

Today we have been having a blast playing different games on Education City.

Some of us  have been learning about place value all the way from thousandths to millions!

Other children have been practising our times tables.

Barsail Standard Fun!

Primary 1 have busy learning about and making colourful collages which represent our school’s Barsail Standard. We got the chance to experiment with  different materials and cut up tissue paper and felt, using our fingers to scrunch it up and stick it onto our designs. The blue homework bag shows that we must always take care of school property, the pink lips shows that we must say kind words to our friends and be truthful, the listening ears shows that we must always listen to one another and the colourful hand tells us that we must have kind hands and be gentle to our friends.

We have had lots of fun with art and some of us got glue and paper stuck to us! Primary 1 hope to upload pictures of all the fun we had making these collages.

Stay tuned for more P1b updates! 🙂