- Please sign up to BASE Sign up club then choose clubs to go to!
Please sign up by Friday at 3pm as BASE starts next week and we will be making the registers.
We have plenty spaces in the following clubs:
- Play for p1 and 2
- Dodgeball
- Horrible Historians with Mr Armstrong
- Parent and child homework club (snack provided)
- Cheerleading
- Netball
- Football Skill School
- Badminton – ***now P4 children included***
- Fun Fitness
- Treble recorder ***now p7 included***
- Dance
- Girls football
We have no space in gymnastics, coding, yoga, cooking and Lego and there are waiting lists for these clubs.
There may be a few spaces in other clubs but we have good numbers for them.
We have helped families who can’t sign up online so please don’t let that be a barrier- give us a call if you want a place in the clubs which have spaces but can’t get internet access.
Mrs Mavers