World of Work Days at Barsail Primary

At Barsail Primary we aim to inspire learners to ‘Dream Big and Aim High’! Furthermore we are committed to raising the aspirations of every child and helping them recognise their strengths!

In order to raise awareness of the ‘ work place’ and the variety of jobs and occupations there are, we have World of Work Focus Days every year. This is to help children to consider their future occupation and help them gain knowledge of the skills needed for various occupations.

HIGIOS 4 – 3.3

Focuses on helping children to make informed career choices, whilst building skills for work.


Pupils at Barsail dressed as their future career aspirations on both days  and participated in various activities linked to the workplace. We are very grateful to everyone who gave up some of their precious time to inspire our learners! Thank you!

We we have added various images that share our experiences!