National Parent Forum Message

Please see below a message from Debbie Newlands, the Renfrewshire representative for National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS).  If you would like further information, please contact the Parent Council by email:

As you will be aware, I have represented Renfrewshire parents on the National Parent Forum of Scotland (NPFS) for many years now however, my youngest child is leaving school this June and therefore it is time for someone else to take over this role.

There are 2 positions available: Renfrewshire representative and Deputy Renfrewshire representative.

It would be most helpful if we could fill both of these roles by June 2019 to allow an easy transition and give support to each other.

The process is fairly straight forward.

  1. Every parent needs to be made aware of this role and have the opportunity to apply for a position either as Renfrewshire representative or in a deputy role to the representative.
  2. It is the role of the Parent Council Chair to share this information with their Parent Councils and the wider Parent Forum in each school.
  3. You do not need to be a member of the Parent Council to become the NPFS representative or deputy…………. you just need to be the parent of a child attending school in Renfrewshire.
  4. Anyone interested in applying for either position must write a small paragraph about themselves and why they think they are suitable for the role. It would be helpful if this could include what they could bring to the role. 5. All application paragraphs should be emailed to
  5. Once the applications have been received, they will be emailed to all Parent Council (PC) Chairs to allow each PC to vote on which candidate they prefer for each role. 7. The votes will be sent to
  6. The votes will then be shared and verified by 2 independent PC Chairs.
  7. The candidates will then be notified of the results.

Kind regards

Debbie Newlands

NPFS Renfrewshire