Behaviour Policy Questionnaire for Parents

You should have received a letter to explain that we are revising our current behaviour policy at Barsail. Please read the details about our current house policy and then click on the link below or scroll down to complete the survey. If you did not receive the letter or have misplaced it, I have added all the details below.

Your views are very important to us, as are your children’s. P4-7 pupils will complete a child-friendly version of this questionnaire in school and P1-3 pupils will have their views recorded through oral discussion.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Mrs Gibney



We would like you to help us revise the behaviour management policy at Barsail Primary School. We are aiming to find a policy that supports the nurturing approach that is embedded at Barsail, whilst still clearly setting boundaries and expectations for the children. We currently operate a house system, details of which are summarised below. You will soon receive a text message with a link to a survey which will give you the chance to express your views on our current system. Please read the summary below before you complete this survey which should take less than 5 minutes. Feel free to discuss our policy with your child and include their views in the answers.

Your input as parents and carers is invaluable as you are an integral part of your child’s education.

Thanks in advance for your support on this matter.

Jennifer Gibney

Acting Principal Teacher

House System

Merits (To promote positive behaviour)

We use merits to promote positive behaviour. Pupils earn 3 merits a day by ensuring they meet Barsail Standard. If a child fails to meet this standard they won’t gain these merits which each equate to 5 minutes of Fun Friday time lost.

House Points

House points are used as an incentive to work hard, display good manners, exceed expectation in terms of class work and being kind and helpful to others. House points are filled out in children’s diaries at the end of each week. Extra incentives for the children include special treats for the winning house like extra play time, house parties and trips to soft play.

Demerits (Dealing with unacceptable behaviour)

At Barsail, we encourage children to behave well, work hard, show good manners and be respectful at all times.  On the rare occasion that a child’s behaviour is inappropriate, we have a demerit system.  Demerits are given for behaviours identified by pupils, parents and staff as being unacceptable in our school. A letter is sent home to be signed which details the unacceptable behavior. Demerits result in loss of break time and possibly an age appropriate exercise and/or loss of Friday Fun time.

Additional Behaviour Management Strategies

In addition to the House system, class teachers have additional incentives to encourage pupils such as group points, secret student, lucky dip etc. School management hand out Star Award certificates at assembly each week and personal achievements are recognised and celebrated.