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Welcome to the Autumn Term 2016

As the season changes it is clear to me there cannot be many places that compare to Highland Perthshire in autumn. The tress and the loch are so beautiful and I think everyone appreciates what a fantastic setting we are all working and learning in.

The Autumn Term is nine weeks long and we work right up to 23rd December which feels late this year but school starts again on Monday 9th January so the holiday is over three weekends which may allow some families to go away or just enjoy some peaceful time after the hustle and bustle of the festive period.

This year we plan to do Christmas slightly differently and we all hope you enjoy what the pupils and staff are planning on sharing with you, your friends and families on Wednesday 14th December at the school.

I hope you will look at the webpage, blogs and twitter feeds that the classes and Heads Together groups are posting to record the work they are doing over the next term.

As always your comments, suggestions and questions are welcome.

I hope to see you all very soon,

Laura McIntosh

Food Technology

We are looking at maths and cooking together to practise measuring keeping an eye on healthy ingredients.

So far we have made honey vegetable kebabs, fairy cakes and lemon salad.
It is great fun! This week we are making golden vegetable soup and a healthy sandwich.

Weekly Update

  Food Technology

This week we got all of the spare food leftover from the ski trip  and we decided to see what we could make with it. We made a tuna pasta, a selection of delicious sandwiches and enjoyed eating them during our class picnic.


In art, we drew ourselves as silhouettes and we then had to draw what we liked about ourselves inside. It was quite difficult to draw ourselves side on without looking at yourself. Some of us used the i-pads to make this easier by taking photos. – Suzie


In P.E we showed our games that we created with our peers to the group. Some of us were able to try them out! – Ethan

I liked P.E because Dee Dee and I were able to show our game about moving and competing. – Tessa

I helped by writing down the times for P.E – Rylee

Ski Trip

Last week, some of P6/7 went on a residential ski trip for two nights. We are working on personal writing so a blog post will be coming soon! Here are some of our photos in anticipation 🙂


Ravenstorm Island Final 001

Ravenstorm Island Final 013

Friday Update

This week we have been very busy in class! Here are some of our magic moments 🙂

Morning Starters

I have enjoyed coming into class and having morning starters to work in. It kind of gets you started on the day especially if it links to maths. – Suzie

I like how it gets you prepared for the whole day – Dee Dee

I like it as we have to make our sentences ambitious and we can write about our weekends and things we get up to out of school – Alice

My favourite is the word challenge where you have to make as many words out of the letters you have been given – Eilidh

P.E – Team Building 

We had to work in partners to talk and create our own team games. Miss Crawford discussed the games with us and if we had to make any changes we did so. I liked thinking about making up our own games – Regan

I liked Spyre game with Miss McNally where you had to move from one end of the hall to the other, using different movements, without getting caught by the Spyre! – Leo

It was fun getting to make our own games up and use the P.E equipment with each other – India

Art – Water colours

I liked doing the water colour landscapes as we got to go outside and choose which angle we wanted to sketch from. – Dee Dee

I enjoyed making our own designs during water colours – Alice

I liked using outdoors to make my painting as we got to take a landscape from the outdoors. – India

I enjoyed being outside when it was sunny and sketching what we could see. I liked being able to do a 1st Draft and 2nd Draft of my work. – Johnny


I liked working through my French book this week as it taught us more about French and the spellings – Tessa

I liked designing our front covers on the French Booklet – India

Library Time 

This week we went and used our school library a few times. We were able to read our own choice book, listen to Mrs McLaughlin reading and audio books. – Eilidh

I enjoyed listening to Mrs McLaughlin talk about the motorbikes – Johnny


I enjoyed doing music with Mrs Young on my clarinet. I was practising a song that I might be playing at the easter service – Tyler


Scottish Book Trust Trailer

This is our book trailer of Ravenstorm Island by Gillian Philip. This book is a shortlisted book for the Scottish Book Trust this year and we read it in class as our class novel.

We split the class into Directors, Actors and Prop managers. First we planned out how we were going to carry out the trailer using a storyboard template. The Directors found this useful when it came to filming!

The planning, filming and editing process took us about two weeks to complete. The scenery you will see is from our local school environment and the Directors enjoyed filming outside. We felt it was important to capture Kenmore and Scotland in the trailer.

We hope you like our trailer. Please leave comments and feedback as this will allow us to improve our next trailers!

Watch and beware, you are in for a scare!



Pupil Comments:


I enjoyed reading the book and then summarising through acting – Rylee

I enjoyed the book and learning and improving my acting skills – Dee Dee

It was really fun to act out the book – Connor

I thought that the acting was really good, considering we were not speaking and it was the first trailer that we have made as a class – Regan

I really enjoyed being Mason at the end of the trailer as we had to make it really creepy – Fraser

The book was amazing and I liked improving my acting skills as Arthur – Tyler

It was really fantastic being a director because I helped make the acting scenes – Johnny

I enjoyed being a director because I liked taking all of the pictures and videos – Rory

It was really fun being an actor and reading the book – Liam

My favourite part is the end of the trailer as it is creepy with the light – Ethan

My favourite part was when we all acted out the stone children scene outside – Alice

It was really fun trying to get as many similarities from the book as we could and using Kenmore during the scenes – Archie


Thank you for watching our trailer! Keep up to date with what we are doing in class! Follow us on twitter!