Glow TV

If you don’t use Glow TV regularly in your classroom, you probably want to check it out!

Glow TV has several programmes on every single school day and over 18 months worth of recorded content that can be ‘watched again’ at a time that suits you and your class. Programme themes cover a whole host of interest areas on topics such as: CfE, SQA, GTC, HMIE, Literacy, Numeracy, Health and Wellbeing, Glowing Thursdays, World of Work Wednesdays, Creativity, Games Design, Daily What Newsround and just about every curricular area. There is sure to be lots of great content that you can find useful.

The ‘Watch Again’ facility is a bit like the online efforts of the major TV channels. There is an easy to use area in Glow that allows you to browse all recorded programmes by category and watch them when it suits you. It also allows you to add programmes to your own, personal, schedule when you register for events so that you can keep track of your own planning.

Signing-up for these events/programmes is easier now, too. Instead of having to complete a sign-up form for every event you want to take part in, all you have to do is register once for Glow TV and then choose your username from a drop-down list whenever you wish to sign-up to a specific event. Easy.

A lot of the LIVE programmes include live debate/discussion on important topics in Education, as well as many online training programmes and experiences for young people to collaborate and interact with presenters.

So, with a whole schedule of programmes you can tailor to your own personal guide, easy sign-up and channel categories to make it easy to find recordings and watch again, Glow TV is a brilliant addition to Glow’s assets.

To register for Glow TV and then be able to have your own personal schedule and easy sign-up for programmes, click here.

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