Digital Learning Week 2017 15-19 May

The National Digital Learning Week runs from 15-19 May with the theme of #DigitalDifference.  Across Perth and Kinross Council(PKC)  and nationally throughout the week,  you’ll see people sharing and celebrating the digital approaches which make a positive impact on classroom practice.

PKC will be sharing case studies on the small and sometime big steps individual teachers and schools make on their journey with digital learning and teaching tools.

If you are a teacher or school  in PKC and would like to share what you have been doing then you can use your website or twitter or your other social media channels to share that with the world. If you add the hashtag #DigitalDifference and tag @PKCEducation into your posts we’ll be able to capture the wide range of activity going on across Perth and Kinross.

You can also contact your Digital Learning and Teaching Officer, Michael Conlon, who could come and film some of your work for sharing: