Category Archives: Information

Parent Contact Evening Cancelled

Dear Parents/Carers,


Parent Contact 17.3.20


Tomorrow night Parent contact will be cancelled for the time being. Once the current situation is more stable we will be in touch to rearrange or to offer phone contact meetings.   If you have anything you wish to discuss urgently, please contact the school or class teacher and we can arrange a phone conversation in the next couple of days.


Yours faithfully,


Mrs N Drew





Corona Virus School Update


This is a very difficult time for families and schools and we appreciate everyone’s patience and support at this time. As you will be aware the advice and information is changing on a daily basis and when we have more updates we will share these on facebook and seesaw.


At the time of writing schools have not been instructed to close.   Some schools are closing for periods for deep cleaning if there is any suspected outbreak.

PREVENTION All staff and pupils are being encouraged and advised to maintain good hand hygiene and ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ if coughing or sneezing.


On 13 March the Scottish Government announced that anyone developing symptoms consistent with COVID-19 should self-isolate for 7 days. The most common symptoms are:

  • new continuous cough and/or
  • high temperaturePlease contact the school (01250 871400 ) in the usual fashion and inform if your child is self-isolating.If your child presents with these symptoms while in school we will contact you.SCHOOL EXCURSIONSAdvice is not currently advising against domestic trips. HOME LEARNINGWe will update the school facebook page and seesaw regularly with any further information.  I am sure you will appreciate this is a very busy time in school and we will do our best to reply to individual concerns. However, if you have any concerns relating to Corona virus and whether to self isolate please contact NHS 24 (111) or your GP. Please let us know if you are concerned that someone in your family has the virus.   Headteacher
  • Mrs N Drew
  • Thank you for your support.
  • If families are choosing to self isolate at this time we are not able to provide work at home, however, if schools close this will change and we will let you know.
  • Staff are currently ensuring that they have mechanisms for sharing home learning materials with our young people should there be closures. This will be summarised on the school website/facebook and seesaw and will include, for example websites where children can access materials to work at home, a jotter and work to be completed at home, reading book and suggestions for further learning and activities children can undertake at home.
  • Our Lendrick Muir trip is currently still going ahead, we will let you know if this changes.      We have some other trips booked over the coming weeks and we will let you know if they are cancelled as we hear.
  • On 12/3/2020 the Scottish Government advised that all foreign school excursions should not go ahead. (Source:
  • If symptoms worsen during home isolation or are no better after 7 days then people should be advised to phone their GP or NHS24 (111). Stay at home advice for people who have symptoms and are self-isolating which can be found on NHS Inform. (Source: