Day: June 12, 2015


The chicks have hatched. They are in the brooder keeping warm. when they were in the incubator the humidity was 40  % at the end it was 70% so it is moisture so the chick wouldn’t dry up and so they could brIMG_2942eak through the shell. I have learned how to feed the chicks and also how to take care of them all. We give them water every day and food. There are 4 white and 10 black chicks number 4 and number 17 hatched first. In  the brooder there is a drinking station and there is a feeding station.  I have enjoyed looking after our chicks.  I am hoping to take some home.

By Megan P3




For the chicks to hatch they pokeIMG_2942 a hole  through  the egg, it took the chicks 21 days to hatch.  We taught  the chicks how to eat and drink, we have 14 chicks in our brooder. If the heater turns off the chicks wake up because they only like the warmth. We made a rota to tell us who is on what job, we give them water every day. We will weigh them everyday. When they are in the brooder they keep nice and cosy.

By Karmen and Jago P2

Our Chicks

The  chicks needs air,  a place  to  live , water , humidity   warmth ,  a brooder, food, water, incubator, yolk and a shell.  The yolk turns into the chick.  The  chicks hatched on Wednesday.  The egg  needs to  be soft   so the chick can get out of the  egg otherwise it will die.  We’ve got 14 chicks.  We have enjoyed watching them hatch.IMG_2858

by Enzo and Maya p1