Breakfast Club

Great  New for Fairview

The school has secured funding from Greggs to trial a breakfast club. Due to the geography of our pupils this will run when the pupils first arrive at school at 9am for those who would benefit from this. There can be many reasons why a young person isn’t managing breakfast at home so if you think that your child would benefit from having breakfast when they arrive at school (options will be toast, cereals, fruit and juice/milk) please email to be allocated a space on this trial which will run from the week beginning the 19th of September.



All health and social care services in Scotland have a Duty of Candour. This is a legal requirement which means that when things go wrong and mistakes happen, the people affected understand what has happened, receive an apology, and that organisations learn how to improve for the future.


An important part of this duty is that we provide an annual report about the Duty of Candour in our services. This short report describes how our care service has operated the duty of candour during the time between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024. We hope you find this report useful.

Duty of Candour Report 2024