Category Archives: Eco

Eco Poster Competition

The Eco Committee ran a competition for the whole school to design a poster encouraging everyone not to drop litter.

They were very pleased with all the entries they received.

Here are the pictures of the three runners-up and the overall winner!

Well done to everyone who entered the competition and hopefully Braco Primary will be a litter free school!

☆Garden Opening☆

Today we had our grand opening of the gardens in our school.

It was a chance to say a big thank you to all the parents and other helpers who helped transform our north garden and nursery garden to what they are today!

P6/7 also read out thank you’s and Mrs Julie Davies officially opened the garden.

We then went round to the playground where all the children got to play a variety of games and parents were treated to strawberries and cream.

Thank you again to everyone who helped transform our gardens and to those who came along today.

The Big Pedal

The whole school took part in the Big Pedal which Mrs Glendinning arranged.

We tried to get as many children to come to school on their scooters or bicycles and staff and parents were encouraged to do so too.

Each day  a bike had a blue horn placed on it and whoever’s bike it was, won some goodies.

Our numbers significantly increased doing this by the last day.

Also on the last day we had great fun dressing up as superheroes.

Thank you to Mrs Glendinning for arranging this for us.