St Andrew’s Mobile Planetarium

On Friday the 24th. June, 2016 the Mobile Planetarium came to the Village Hall.

All the classes, including Nursery, were able to go inside this marvellous dome and discover facts abut the constellations and about the planets in the sky at the present time.

The two volunteers from St Andrew’s had a wealth of knowledge and they held a question session at the end and they were asked some challenging questions by the chilfren.

Thank you to the volunteers from St Andrews and the Parent Council who helped to pay for this experience.


Nursery Graduation

On Wednesday 29th June, seven children graduated from Nursery to Primary One.

A special ceremony took place in the Village Hall. Mums and Dads and the whole school came to see the graduation ceremony. We were also treated to songs on their topic, Space.

P6’s gave the children some advice about going into Primary 1.

Mrs Dawson and Mrs Russell presented the children with their certificates!

Well done Nursery…..See you next year!

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Day Trip to Blair Drummond

The whole school and Greenloaning School went on a fabulous trip to Blair Drummond Safari Park on Friday 17th. June, 2016.

First we went on a safari on the bus then the classes split up and did different activities. This included a trip on a boat to Monkey Island, the Pet Zoo, the Adventure Playground, the Flying Fox and the Sea lion Show.

Can we say a BIG THANK YOU to all the parent helpers who came along and supported us on the day and to the Parent Council who paid for the buses!

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