
Welcome to Papa Westray Community School, the Primary School and Nursery for the children of Papa Westray. We hope that our website will be helpful for the School Community, the local community and for prospective families. We are very proud of our peedie school and we’re delighted to be able to share a little about ourselves and what we’ve been doing recently. Although we are peedie we are powerful, and our school is a place where children learn and grow. Our children are supported to develop the confidence and skills they need to take them forwards to Westray Junior High School and onwards into adult life.

Children looking at these pages will find the pupils’ page interesting. It aims to give an insight into what we do in a typical day at Papay School. It also includes pictures and information about: our favourite parts of the day, our school building and grounds, and our Pupil Council (the Papay Thing). The Parents page provides more information about how the school works in the school handbook. There is also information about our Parent Council and how we use SEESAW to ensure that families are included in learning on a daily basis.

On a personal level, it is a joy to work at Papay School everyday. We receive unquestionable support from the Papay community and are fortunate to have a highly committed staff team who take pride in ensuring positive outcomes for every child every day.

Thank you for looking us up. Please do get in touch if you would like further information.

Timothy Ross, Headteacher

September 2024