Wheelbarrows Brighten up Roadsides of Papay as the Wheelbarrow Competition Arrives

The roadsides of Papay were a little brighter this week as the Papay wheelbarrow competition wheeled into town. The competition which was organized by Papay school in the last week of term had twenty entries from across the island. There were loads of great entries that were very unique ranging from a rocket launch to fairies. On Tuesday afternoon the secret judging panel toured around Papay to see all the

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Learning about the climate and an announcement from the Milk Garden Gurus

We recently spent part of our funding from the Community Climate Asset Fund on new books related to the climate and the environment. It’s been lovely having so many nice new books in school and they have contained lots of good ideas for projects. One project we’ve been working on is related to recycling plastics. The Milk Garden Gurus are now taking orders for a range of home-made gardening tools,

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Outdoor art and a flyby.

Some of our art lessons have also included getting outside this term. A few weeks ago we created a big piece of art in the playground in the hope that it would show up for an aerial photograph. It rained but the message can still be read in the middle of the playground. We also visited the beach recently to make outdoor art, having learned about Andy Goldsworthy.