New Wellbeing Mural

Ever since we worked on our ‘doondie fish’ mural with Chris Rutterford back in October, the idea of a gannet mural for the front wall has been rolling around. With a few days of good weather last week we quickly got on with this. We had a lot of fun working on this together in class. The nursery helped to paint the canvas board using wellies and the older children prepared stencils, for both the gannet and the 8 wellbeing indicators.

Later in the week we decided where each of the stencils would fit best and finished the painting. We’re delighted with how it’s turned out and it now sits proudly on the wall at the front of school. One result is that lots of people who walk past are commenting on our ‘choice of words’. Although they are words that we use often in school, we didn’t actually choose them ourselves. These words are known in Scotland as the ‘wellbeing indicators’. It is important to us that all of the young people of Papay feel and are: Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included.