
Primary Five have set up a company to make a craft for the school Christmas Fayre.

We decided to make a reindeer using a bar of soap and a face cloth.

We thought very hard about our company name and Maya suggested ‘Reindeer Rub a Dub Dub’.

Our logo was designed using ideas form everyone.



Our first job was to find the materials.  We used the I-pads to locate what we needed at the best price.

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Once our materials arrived we began to make our reindeer. 

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Aiden and Lucas have carefully placed the soap on the face cloth and folded into a reindeer shape.  This was then secured with an elastic band.


Hannah is busy making antlers out of brown pipe cleaners.


Maya is attaching the antlers to the facecloth.

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Jody is adding on the eyes and nose.


Our lovely reindeer crafts are now made and ready for you to buy at the Christmas Fayre on Saturday 28th November.

See you there!

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