All posts by Mrs Stewart

Winter Weather Activities

Hello P5,

Here are some activities to complete if you have not made it into school today because of the weather.

*Maths – Create a diary of your day.  You must include times written in 12 and 24 hour time.

*Literacy – Narrative writing.  Title – ‘Disaster in the Snow’  Remember to think about your success criteria from yesterday and try to include some onomatopoeia, alliteration, similes and adverbs.  Your focus should be your main event.

*Art – Create a winter picture.  Be creative and think about the colours and resources that you can use.

*French – Research a city in France and write a report about it.  remember to include a title, subheading and some illustrations.

The activities can be completed on paper or in your homework jotter.

Mrs Stewart

Outdoor Learning

     This term Primary Five are very lucky to be working with Brian in the outdoor area.  This week in taught writing we learned how to write a recount.  Baighley has written an excellent blog detailing what out class did for outdoor learning.

On Monday Primary Five were working with their outdoor specialist, Brian, to plant garlic in the outdoor area.

The day started with the children making their way to the outdoor classroom to gather some equipment.  They used the shovels to prepare the planters, remove weeds and turn the soil over.  They also removed any sticks and stones from the planters.

After that ,Primary Five took the garlic that Primary Three planted in pots before Christmas and replanted it in the outdoor planters.  The roots had already started to grow and looked like white worms.  Meanwhile groups of other children were weeding the extra planters.

Primary Five will continue to work with Brian in the outdoor area for the next ten weeks.  Keep checking the blog to see what they have been doing.

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First Week Back

We are all delighted to be back at school after our Christmas Holiday.  We are looking forward to the new term and all the exciting things we will be doing.

This term, we are very lucky to be having Brian with us on a Monday to help us investigate the outdoors.  We are growing potatoes in our classroom and will be planting them outside in March.

*****Outdoor clothes are needed every Monday*****

We are very busy learning our song for the Scottish Assembly and are looking forward to performing for the school.

In French, we have been leaning how to say animal names and how to comment on what pets we have.

Weekly Update

This week we have been very busy investigating forces and looking at how gravity was discovered and how it can be tested.

Isaac Newton discovered gravity when an apple fell on his head and he wondered why the apple fell down instead of going in another direction. – Emma Blair

We investigated gravity by blowing bubbles and found that gravity pulled them to the ground.  Then we went outside and saw that air resistance worked against gravity to help the bubbles move – Naima Wang

In maths we have been dividing two digit numbers.

I enjoyed practising division and having the challenge of dividing three digit numbers – Nicole Wilson

In Big Maths I am getting very good at Jigsaw Numbers – Karly Skewis


We are making great progress with our Enterprise.  This week we created a company name and logo.


I was very pleased that the class choose my idea of ‘Magical Melts’ for our company name – Anthony Hume

I voted for Megan’s logo design because it was colourful and had a good image – Caleb Duffy

Baighley and Darby were delighted to pay a visit to Mrs Hunter to show off their good work in writing this week.  They both wrote a fantastic set of instruction and were rewarded with ticket to the tea party.  Lucky them!



img_3972 img_3971 img_3973 img_3974Primary 5 have  been thinking about our Christmas Enterprise and we were very lucky to have Mrs Duffy come in to speak to us today about how to make candles and wax melts.

I enjoyed smelling all the different Christmas scents – Darby Patmore

I enjoyed listening to Mrs Duffy telling us how to make the wax melts. – Anthony Hume

I also enjoyed smelling the variety of scents. – Caleb Duffy

I liked seeing the different shapes we could use for our wax melts. – Sian Downie

It was interesting to see all the different colours we could use. – Jack Quigley


A Busy Week


The boys and girls have been very busy learning lots of new things this week.  Here are some of the things we liked best –

This week I have been learning about natural disasters.  My group reseacrhed hurricanes.  I found this very interesting. – Naima Wang

I enjoyed testng my knowledge in my CLIC maths test this week – Nicole Wilson

We enjoyed bikeability for the first time this week.  It was fantastic! – Jack Quigley

I found out lots of interesting facts about tsunamis this week – Darby Patmore

I had a great time improving my fitness at gym this week – Rachel MacDonald

We have been learning all about Brazil for out class topic.  I found out that on their flag it says ‘order and progress’ which is Brazil’s national motto – Karly Skewis

Sports Day

We are having a fantastic Sports Day!

Our first activity was the four way shooter.

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Next, we had a great time at the inflatable assault course.

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Then, we were very busy at the football target.

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Our final activity for the morning was our daily mile.

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I enjoyed doing the inflatable assault course because it was much harder to do than it looked! – Ross Henderson

I likedthe football target beacuse I found it quite challenging. – Aiden Stewart

I enjoyed the inflatable assault course because we got to race each other. – Holly McTaggart

The inflatable assault course was great and I was very fast at completing it! – Maya Ali

I thought every activity was enjoyable as they provided me with opportunities to challenge myself. – Tegan Cooper

I think the four way shooter was very challenging but enjoyable at the same time. – Kyran Lester

Primary 5’s Week

This week we have been very busy learning the french names for parts of the body.  We have been creating our own inventions and making some collage pictures in art.


I enjoyed learning the songs for our school show this week. – Maya Ali

I enjoyed learning Head, shoulder knees and toes in French – Aidyn Ferris

I enjoyed doing Jigsaw numbers to 1000 for Big Maths – Emma Rankin

I enjoyed learning about children who had invented things – Lucas Galloway


Bowling Day

We were very lucky to get an opportunity to visit Abronhill Bowling Club.  We learned how to play garden bowls and took part in some games.  We had a great time!


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I found it quite hard but fun at the same time – Tegan Cooper
I loved learning a new skill – Beth Stirling


You must be carefull when throwing the bowl because it is weighted and it curves – Niamh O’Donnell

There is a small ball called a ‘jack’ that you must try and get the bowl close to.  I was happy because I got very close to the ‘Jack. – Declan Bass