The Great Barrier Reef

We have been very busy finding out about the animals that live in a coral reef.  Angelfish and Clownfish are two examples of fish that would be found in a coral reef.  Here is some of our art work.

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We have also found out about food chains within a coral reef.


I really liked learning about the animals that live in a coral reef. – Hannah Welsh

I found out that sea grasses and seaweed are called producers and are found at the bottom of the food chain. – Sarah McHugh

I was interested to learn that a puffer fish is a carnivore – Beth Stirling

I found out that an Angelfish is a herbivore.  – Ellie Ness

There are also omnivores that live in a coral reef and I discovered that a sea turtle is an omnivore because it eats the plants and other animals. – Aidyn Ferris

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