Good Morning P3. It is fantastic to see how many of you have been busy on Sumdog and reading on Epic well done.
Here are your tasks for today.
4 X table
Warm Up
- Watch this video to practise the 4 X tables.
- Try writing or drawing some of the facts from the four times table using repeated addition.
Main Task
- Copy and complete this 4 X table page.
For the colour to match part just write the matching sum and answer.
Fun Finisher
- Coconut Multiples ā practise your 4 X table using this game – click the image below.
- Choose some of the other times tables in the game to practise.
Sounds Revision soft c
Warm Up
Watch Geraldine soft c video to revise the sounds.
Main Task
The soft c sound is said like a s and is usually followed by e, i or y
The hard c makes the K sound and is usually followed a, o or u
Like all spelling rules this is just to help you and there are words that don’t follow the rules.
Sort the hard and soft c sounds by copying and completing the table.
Can you think of any words that contain both hard and soft c?
Fun Finisher
- Get someone at home to ask you words containing soft c or hard cā spell them out loud or write them down and check.