Home Learning 2.06.20

Good Morning P3. It is fantastic to see how many of you have been busy on Sumdog and reading on Epic well done.

Here are your tasks for today.


4 X table

Warm Up

  • Watch this video to practise the 4 X tables.

  • Try writing or drawing some of the facts from the four times table using repeated addition.

Main Task

Challenge Page

For the colour to match part just write the matching sum and answer.


Fun Finisher

  • Coconut Multiples ā€“ practise your 4 X table using this game – click the image below.


  • Choose some of the other times tables in the game to practise.



Sounds Revision soft c

Warm Up

Watch Geraldine soft c video to revise the sounds.


Main Task

The soft c sound is said like a s and is usually followed by e, i or y

The hard c makes the K sound and is usually followed a, o or u

Like all spelling rules this is just to help you and there are words that don’t follow the rules.

Sort the hard and soft c sounds by copying and completing the table.


Can you think of any words that contain both hard and soft c?


Fun Finisher

  • Get someone at home to ask you words containing soft c or hard cā€“ spell them out loud or write them down and check.

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