Home Learning 23.04.20

Good Morning everyone.

Well done to MK who had the fantastic idea to do the ‘Pogo Times Tables’ keeping fit and doing her number work – it really made me smile 😊.

Good work to  all of you who have been able to get some of the home learning done, I know it can be tricky. Remember if you have a good idea to adapt the learning with the space and resources you have at home – go for it!


Position and Movement

Warm Up

  • With someone at home play the robot game.
  • One person is the controller and one person the robot – find a large space that is safe to move around in.
  • The controller uses forward, back, left, right and numbers to give instructions for the robot to follow.

eg Left one, forward three, right two, back one

  • If you don’t have anyone to play with – write down your own instructions and then follow them.
  • Try giving instructions to get from one place in a room or the garden to another.
  • Be careful!


Main Task

Watch this video about grid reference


Copy and complete the following task.

Fun Finisher

Make your own grid reference map by drawing lines in opposite directions and labelling the X and Y axis with letters and numbers (as above).  You could do this on paper, on the computer, outside using chalk or sticks and stones etc.

Draw or put your own items in the boxes and get someone at home to see if they can tell you what position your items are in.



Writing – Story settings

Warm Up

Think about different settings for stories.  Write or draw as many different settings as you can think of eg space, school, the park, a farm etc.


Main Task

Watch this video about story settings and complete the task online.

  •   Choose one of the settings from your warm up or another one you have thought of.
  •  Draw the setting using as much detail as you can – add labels to your drawing to help.
  • Write about the setting using wow words to describe in as much detail as you can.


You can use your setting as a starting point and continue the story by adding characters and plot.


Fun Finisher

  • With someone at home give clues about a setting and let them guess what setting you are thinking of. Take turns to guess.
  • If you don’t have anyone to work with – write clues to use later.


2 thoughts on “Home Learning 23.04.20”

    1. Hi,
      You shouldn’t need a login it is my mistake the way I added the link – sorry about that. I think I have fixed it now. Thank you for letting me know. Hope you are all doing well – I loved the picture on twitter of Xander working hard.

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