Home Learning 31.03.20

Good morning P3.

Hope you are all doing well.  Here are your tasks for today.



Warm Up

  • Watch this video to revise your time learning. It is quite a long video so if you are unable to watch it talk to someone at home about what you know about telling the time and look around the house and find as many clocks as you can e.g phone, microwave, tv.

Main Task

  • Record each activity you did yesterday or choose a typical day since learning from home.

  • Draw a picture of the main events, write a short description and include a picture of the clock showing the time.


  • Can you include both the analogue and digital clock next to each event.

Fun Finisher

  • Use a timer set it  for one minute.
  • Estimate and record your results.

Challenge – Create your own activities.


Sounds Revision ey  and ea

Warm Up

Watch Geraldine ey video and ea video to revise the sounds.

Main Task

Create a poster write and draw as many ey and ea words as you can.  Take care to use the correct letter pattern – use a dictionary to check (remember there are lots of online dictionaries).

These sites will help you find more words

Fun Finisher

  • Get someone at home to give you words containing ey or ea – spell them out loud or write them down and check.


  • Can you think of any other letter patterns that make the same sound as ey and ea. Make a list of words that have the same sound but are spelt differently.


Remember it can be challenging learning at home.  Do your best but don’t worry if you don’t complete all your tasks.

Luckily I’ve got a helper to keep me on track!

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