Homework – Week beginning 05/03/18

Your spelling words this week are o_e words, where the ‘e’ makes the ‘o’ say ‘oh’.


  1. whole
  2. stroke
  3. explode
  4. suppose
  5. provoke
  6. remote
  7. envelope
  8. microscope
  9. telescope
  10. telephone


  1. stone
  2. smoke
  3. stroke
  4. quote
  5. stove
  6. suppose
  7. provoke
  8. remote
  9. envelope
  10. telephone


  1. robe
  2. globe
  3. smoke
  4. stroke
  5. stole
  6. stone
  7. slope
  8. quote
  9. stove
  10. froze

Copy out your words three times into your jotters.  Then, write 4 sentences which include your words (underline the word which you use).


  1. Jennifer bought two vacuum cleaners for £152 each.  What was the total cost?
  2. A box contains 450 disks in total.  Of them, 126 are music CDs and the rest are DVDs.  How many DVDs are in the box?
  3. The distance from Mark’s home to his grandma’s house is 218 miles.  How many miles long is a round trip?
  4. Every day Janet jogs around a rectangular-shaped jogging track.  One side is 150 metres and another side is 300 metres.
    • Calculate what distance Janet goes when she jogs round it once (You could draw a diagram to help you).

This week, it would also be a good idea to refresh you memory of you times tables, in preparation for beginning our multiplication topic (Topmarks had some good games).


World Book day has been moved to this Friday.  Choose a book that you have enjoyed and write a book review to tell another member of our class why you enjoyed it and why they may like to read it.

Remember to include:

  1. The Title of the book
  2. The Author of the book
  3. Illustration (Optional)
  4. Book rating (for example ****, 4 stars)
  5. Short Description
  6. Why you enjoyed it.


Miss Donaldson  🙂

Homework – Week Beginning 26/02/18

What an exciting week we have coming up in Primary 5! Monday was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight so we have been learning all about why it is important to buy products which ensure that the farmers are getting a fair price for their goods.  Additionally, Thursday is World Book Day so we have a day of fun activities planned to celebrate all of our favourite books and authors.  I’m also very much looking forward to seeing all of you dressed in your costumes and pyjamas!

Well done to everyone who handed in last week’s homework – great effort!  I particularly enjoyed a few of your samurai drawings!

This weeks homework tasks are as follows:



  1. invite
  2. divide
  3. entire
  4. admire
  5. athlete
  6. describe
  7. extreme
  8. concrete
  9. complete
  10. Japanese


  1. these
  2. quite
  3. invite
  4. divide
  5. entire
  6. admire
  7. delete
  8. athlete
  9. extreme
  10. Japanese


  1. hide
  2. bride
  3. crime
  4. theme
  5. these
  6. scene
  7. quite
  8. stripe
  9. delete
  10. Japanese

Copy the words in your jotter three times.

Definition Match

Choose 5 of your spelling words. List these words on the left side of your paper. Then write the definitions of each word on the right side of the paper but mix them up so a partner would be able to match the words and definition.



Solve the following word problems. There are addition and subtraction problems included so make sure that you read the question to discover if you are being asked to add on or take away.

  1. Tom picked 121 limes and Sara picked 102 limes from the lime tree. How many limes were picked in total?
  2. Keith has 829 Pokémon cards. Sam bought 344 of Keith’s Pokémon cards. How many Pokémon cards does Keith have now?
  3. Mary had £874 in her bank. She spent £554 of her money. How much does she have now?
  4. Nancy grew 114 turnips. Keith grew 102 turnips. How many turnips did they grow in total?
  5. There are 123 pine trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant 111 more pine trees today. How many pine trees will the park have when the workers are finished?

Create 2 of your own word problems. The size of numbers is your choice; your word problems can be 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits.  Ask someone in your house or a friend in class to complete the two sums.



Monday was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. This means that children all over the country are learning about the importance of buying Fairtrade products to the people who are making and growing the products – and the Pupils of Woodlands Primary are no different!

Task: Become an advertiser; choose a Fairtrade product and create an advertisement poster for it to convince people to buy it.  Your poster should include:

  1. Catchy headline and name of the product (for example Fairtrade Football)
  2. Picture of the product
  3. Cost of the product
  4. Reason for buying the Fairtrade product (who it benefits)


Miss Donaldson  🙂

Homework – Week Beginning 19/02/18

Well done to everyone who got their homework in on time last week – great work!  🙂 Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:


This week we are focusing on learning a_e words.  These words are also known as magic ‘e’ words.


  1. escape
  2. activate
  3. estimate
  4. behave
  5. calculate
  6. celebrate
  7. decorate
  8. mistake
  9. irritate
  10. concentrate


  1. glaze
  2. trade
  3. shake
  4. scale
  5. brave
  6. awake
  7. shame
  8. scrape
  9. escape
  10. estimate


  1. ate
  2. bake
  3. fame
  4. came
  5. game
  6. rake
  7. blame
  8. chase
  9. frame
  10. behave

Copy out your words 3 times.  Use a different coloured pencil to write your vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

e.g. shame

Can you think of any other magic ‘e’ words?


Solve these subtraction sums.

  1. 816 – 513
  2. 351 – 121
  3. 732 – 526
  4. 701 – 344
  5. A farmer produces 492 litres of milk. 325 litres are sold to a supermarket.  How many litres are left?
  6. There are 617 pencils left in the stock cupboard. 278 pencils are handed out to classes in a week.  How many are left?

Subtraction Games: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/addition-and-subtraction


This week, we will be learning more about the history of Japan.  In your jotters, draw/label a samurai warrior.  Underneath, write 3 facts about samurais.

Miss Donaldson

Homework (week beginning 05.02.18)

Well done to everyone who managed to hand their homework in on time last week – great effort!  I learned such a lot about the animals in Japan in your fact files!

Spelling Words

The spelling rule that the red and green group are focusing on this week is that when ‘y’ is followed by a consonant, it usually makes the ‘I’ sound.


  1. lyric
  2. gypsy
  3. syrup
  4. crystal
  5. oxygen
  6. symbol
  7. system
  8. typical
  9. symptom
  10. mysteriously


  1. gym
  2. myth
  3. cycle
  4. lyric
  5. gypsy
  6. syrup
  7. rhyme
  8. system
  9. pyramid
  10. cylinder


The blue group are focusing on words which include ‘ick’.

  1. pick
  2. kick
  3. brick
  4. chick
  5. stick
  6. thick
  7. quick
  8. tickle
  9. bicker
  10. broomstick


Your literacy task this week is to create a word search containing at least 4 of your words.  Your words can be hidden vertically, horizontally or diagonally.  Once you have written it, ask someone to solve it for you.  This can be someone in your family, or another member of our class.


In your jotters, please write out the 3, 6 and 9 times tables.  If you can, ask an adult to test you!

For extra multiplication practice, please remember that there are lots of great games on the topmarks website.


Games I recommend are:

1. Hit the button (times tables)

2. Sum Sense (Multiplication)

3. Learn Your Tables


Your auntie has written to ask you to send her suggestions for what to get you for your birthday. Either in a catalogue or on a website (such as Argos), find 3 things that you would like to be given.  Your auntie has also asked that you give her an idea of the cost of your presents.  However, your auntie lives in Japan, so you will need to calculate how much Japanese Yen she will need to buy the presents. Use a currency converter to do this.


For example:

Fingerling: £17; ¥2573

Hama Beads: £7.50; ¥1137

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets DVD: £4.99; ¥756

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Homework – Week Beginning 29.01.18

First and foremost, a very well done to all of you who handed in their homework this week.  I was delighted with how much effort you all put in last week!

Spelling Words

The spelling rule that the red and green group are focusing on this week is that when ‘g’ is followed by ‘e’, ‘i’, or ‘y’ it sounds like ‘j’.


  1. damage
  2. manage
  3. tragedy
  4. energy
  5. rampage
  6. giraffe
  7. religion
  8. religion
  9. generation
  10. generosity


  1. rage
  2. pages
  3. giant
  4. gentle
  5. orange
  6. energy
  7. damage
  8. manage
  9. rampage
  10. message


The blue group are focusing on words which contain the sound ‘ack’.

  1. back
  2. lack
  3. black
  4. stack
  5. quack
  6. whack
  7. jacket
  8. attack
  9. cracker
  10. brackets


Following our topic work last Friday when we were writing Japanese haiku’s, your literacy task is as follows:

Write your words.  Then use a coloured pencil to divide the words into syllables.

For example: brackets brackets; energy energy.

*Remember* Some words only have 1 syllable so you would just write the whole word in the same colour.


Building on what we have been doing in class, you are asked to complete addition word problems in which you are adding together 3 or more numbers.  Try calculating the sum mentally first, write down your answer and then write out the sum using formal methods to check your answer.  When writing out the sum, please focus on your place value and making sure that your columns line up!

  1. There are 23 dogwood trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant 26 more dogwood trees today and 41 more dogwood trees tomorrow.  How many dogwood trees will the park have when the workers are finished?
  2. Sally had 34 Pokemon cards. Sara gave her 35 new Pokemon cards. Sally bought 31 Pokemon cards. How many Pokemon cards does Sally have now?
  3. Mike went to 18 hockey games this month. He went to 16 games last month, and plans to go to 12 games next month. How many games will he attend in total?
  4. Mike found 29 seashells, Joan found 13 seashells, and Alyssa found 40 seashells on the beach. How many seashells did they find together?
  5. Joan grew 35 turnips, Keith grew 40 turnips, and Melanie grew
    46 turnips. How many turnips did they grow in total?
  6. Sandy has 30 black marbles, Sally has 31 black marbles, and Jessica has 49 black marbles. How many black marbles do they have in total?
  7. Jessica has 35 books, Sandy has 12 books, and Tim has
    38 books. How many books do they have together?
  8. There are 25 rulers in the drawer and 15 rulers on the desk. Sara placed 46 more rulers on the desk. How many rulers are now there in total?


Last week during I.C.T. we researched endangered Japanese animals, but I know a few of you were disappointed that you didn’t get to research your other favourite Japanese animals such as macaque monkeys and sika deer so now is your chance!

Create a fact-file on a Japanese animal of your choice.  Information that you might choose to include in your fact-file may include name of animal (obviously!), physical description (what it looks like), diet, range (where the animal is found), habitat (what sort of environment does it like? Forests, mountains, marshland?), life span (how long it lives) and any other interesting facts or information that you think is relevant.

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Homework – week beginning 22.01.18

Well done to those of you who handed in your homework on time on Monday, great work!  🎉

Your homework for this week is as follows:

Literacy 📚

Publishers (‘ung’ words)

  1. sung
  2. lung
  3. swung
  4. young
  5. clung
  6. stung
  7. hungry
  8. sprung
  9. jungle
  10. dungeon

Authors and Illustrators (Soft ‘c’ words)

  1. ice
  2. face
  3. pace
  4. place
  5. juice
  6. notice
  7. price
  8. certain
  9. service
  10. celebrate

Alliterative Phrases or Sentences

Choose 5 of your spelling words and write five alliterative phrases or sentences. An alliteration uses the same initial letter. You may include a word or two that do not begin with the same initial letter. Be sure to underline your spelling words.

Example: Deep down in the dungeon.

Maths 📊

Please complete the addition sums worksheet you were given in class.

In addition, some of you mentioned that you would like a little extra practice of your times tables.  There are lots of great games that you can play online or on a phone or tablet.

The Topmarks site is particularly good. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/times-tables

Games I recommend are:

1. Hit the button (times tables)

2. Sum Sense (Multiplication)

3. Learn Your Tables

4. Beatbox Tables

There are also lots of great apps, if you have access to a phone or tablet.  I particularly like monster maths and 10 minute a day times tables.

Other 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

The 25th of January is Burns Night.  Robert Burns was born in Alloway, near Ayr and during his lifetime he wrote lots of Scottish poems, and this is why we celebrate his life today.  One of the most famous poems that he wrote was called ‘To a Mouse’.

To a Mouse

Wee sleekit, cow’rin, tim’rous beastie,
O, what a panic’s in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty,
Wi bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an chase thee,
Wi murdering pattle!

For your homework, please write what you think these words mean?

Extra: research Robert Burns and write a short factfile about him.

Miss Donaldson 😊

Homework – Week Beginning 15.01.18


Spelling words are as follows:


  1. Big
  2. dig
  3. pig
  4. jig
  5. wig
  6. twig
  7. swig
  8. sprig
  9. earwig
  10. shindig

Authors and Illustrators

  1. dough
  2. rough
  3. tough
  4. cough
  5. enough
  6. though
  7. although
  8. through
  9. breakthrough
  10. snowplough

Please copy words three times into your jotters. Then, please create spelling pyramids for at least 4 of your words.

For example:








‘Beat That!’ sheet. If you have a timer available, you could time how long it takes you, and write a note on the sheet for me to see when I mark it!

Challenge: In the following addition sum, some of the numbers have been replaced by letters. Can you be a detective and work out what numbers the letters have replaced?

A 7 8 9

+B 5 A B


6 A  B 1

If you get the chance, please make time to go on Heinemann Active and Sumdog.


It was really interesting listening to the facts that you researched last week. There were quite a few that I didn’t know, great work!

This week, could you please research the 8 regions of Japan, and write them down in your jotter. Then, mark them on to your map of Japan.

This website will help! https://www.japan-guide.com/list/e1001.html

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Week beginning 8th January

Happy New Year and a big welcome back to the beginning of a new school term!

Homework this week is as follows:


Today the children were all given a copy of their spelling words.

Authors and Illustrators:

  1. radio
  2. rough
  3. touch
  4. enough
  5. pounce
  6. frown
  7. trounce
  8. trousers
  9. amount
  10. scrounge


  1. dive
  2. time
  3. wise
  4. line
  5. bike
  6. like
  7. shine
  8. bride
  9. stripe
  10. crime

Please copy out each of the words three times into your homework jotter.

Following this, please write 4 sentences using your words.  As ever, extra dojo points are up for grabs if you manage to use 2 or more words in the same sentence (though please make sure the sentence still makes sense!).  Remember to underline the spelling word that you used.


Continuing on with our work on addition and subtraction, the children were given a worksheet entitled ‘Calculations Cards’.  The game needs two or more players, and instructions are included on the sheet.

There is no need to bring the cards back into school, just get the person who you were playing with to sign your maths jotter to let me know that you played.

As always, Heinemann Active and Sumdog are available to play.


This week, we began our new topic focussing on learning about Japan and Extreme Earth.

Please write down 4 facts about Japan.  These can be facts that you have learned in class, or you could do a little research at home to see if you can find an interesting piece of information that we have not discussed yet.  You will be able to share your facts with your classmates next week.

Miss Donaldson  🙂


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