Homework – Week Beginning 14th May

Last week, there was lots of great effort put into our homework; I was very impressed by how well some of your handwriting is progressing and the amazing effort that some of you put into your newspaper articles on the 2011 Japanese Tsunami – they were fascinating! Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:


Task: Up-Levelling sentences.

Up-level the following sentences:

  1. The dog found a bone.
  2. The horse jumped over a fence.
  3. The ball went into the net.
  4. The cat climbed up the tree.
  5. The girl danced.
  6. The boy smiled.

Success criteria:

Punctuation please use a variety and check over

Openers – to start each sentence using order words (Then, Next, Secondly, Finally etc.)

Vocabulary – adjectives to describe, alliteration, adverbs and similes

Connectives – to join two sentences to make one longer detailed sentence


Numeracy: Multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000

Task: Copy and complete the following sums:

  1. ________ x 10 = 430
  2. ________ x 100 = 7200
  3. 97 x _____ = 970
  4. ________ x 100 = 8500
  5. 10 x ________ = 11270
  6. 1000 x ______ = 532000

Hint: remember you get extra dojo points if you play Sumdog!



Today, we were visited by two ladies from The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland (or RZSS or short!) who were teaching us all about our wildlife in Scotland, and the threats that they face. We learned that there are 6 main threats to wildlife;

  1. Habitat Loss
  2. Pollution
  3. Live Capture
  4. Natural Disasters
  5. Invaders
  6. Over Hunting.

Task 1: Pledge cards

Write down one behaviour that you will change to help protect the environment. Discuss why you have chosen that particular behaviour and how it will help wildlife or the environment.

Optional: Produce a leaflet/poster encouraging other people to take part too.

Task 2: Our end of year show is fast approaching us and so I ask that you all practise your songs as much as possible!  Primary 5’s songs are Relight My Fire (Take That) and Just Like Fire (Pink).


Miss Donaldson  🙂

Earthquake Resistant Structures (Part 2)

This afternoon we had the chance to test out our structures that we built yesterday. Interestingly, we discovered that the strongest buildings were made using triangles.  Cubed buildings were less successful  and tended to collapse during the ‘earthquake’.  We certainly enjoyed testing out our structures…and the leftover jelly!

Earthquake Challenge Part 1

We have a class of budding engineers today!  Through our Japan topic, we have been learning all about earthquakes as, unfortunately, we discovered that Japan lies on top of many fault lines, and so experiences many earthquakes.  Today, we learned that Japanese engineers have sought to design earthquake resistant houses and buildings, so as to minimise the destruction that earthquakes can cause. We began to design our own earthquake resistant structures that we will test out tomorrow!

Homework – Week beginning 30/04/18

Well done to all of you who managed to complete their homework last week, I really enjoyed seeing you Koi Nobori illustrations! Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:



  1. arrow
  2. narrow
  3. elbow
  4. borrow
  5. sparrow
  6. window
  7. sorrow
  8. burrow
  9. shadow
  10. shallow


  1. growl
  2. prowl
  3. scowl
  4. brown
  5. elbow
  6. arrow
  7. pillow
  8. follow
  9. hollow
  10. borrow


  1. vow
  2. gown
  3. town
  4. howl
  5. clown
  6. crown
  7. down
  8. drown
  9. frown
  10. crowd

Task: Copy your spelling words, in your neatest handwriting, into your jotter three times.  In each line, circle the one you think is written the neatest.


Maths & Numeracy – Multiplication

Task 1:

1) William loves biscuits! He eats 9 biscuits every day! How many biscuits does he eat in a week?

2) It’s a busy Saturday in McDonalds! 12 children each want 6 chicken nuggets. How many nuggets need to be cooked?

3) Primary 5 has run out of whiteboard pens! Miss Donaldson orders 8 boxes, and each box contains 6 pens. How many pens will she have?

4) Frank loves to go to football matches! He goes to watch the football 5 times a month! How many times will he have seen the football in a year (12 months)?


Task 2: Play hit the button.  Write down the fastest time you achieved.

Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button


Other Multiplication Maths Games

Maths Fishing: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication

Times Tables Grids: http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/3124

Sum Sense: http://coolsciencelab.com/sum_sense_multiplication.html

Number Fact Families (x): https://www.topmarks.co.uk/number-facts/number-fact-families



This week, we have been learning about why Japan suffers from so many earthquakes. Research a time when an earthquake occurred and write a short newspaper article describing what happened. (This can be an earthquake that happened in Japan, or anywhere else).


Apologies for the late upload!

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Happy Koi Nobori

Next Saturday is Japanese Children’s day, or Koi Nobori.  In the week leading up to Koi Nobori, koi carp streamers start appearing all over Japan to celebrate the festival. This is popularly known as ‘golden week’.  This week, children have been learning about how the festival is celebrated and making Koi Nobori streamers of their own. Here are some pictures of some of our streamers – don’t they look so colourful!

Homework – Week beginning 23.04

Literacy: Silent Letters


  1. autumn
  2. business
  3. champagne
  4. cupboard
  5. gnash
  6. handkerchief
  7. parliament
  8. raspberry
  9. receipt
  10. solemn


  1. debt
  2. knight
  3. listen
  4. numb
  5. salmon
  6. should
  7. subtle
  8. whistle
  9. would
  10. wrestle


  1. answer
  2. sword
  3. whole
  4. wrap
  5. wrath
  6. wreck
  7. wren
  8. wrist
  9. write
  10. wrong



Write these letters as headings. Sort your words into lists under the correct ‘silent letter’ headings.

d             n             g              i               p

So, for example, if one of your words this week was ‘hymn’, you would write hymn under your n heading, because hymn has a silent n.

Add at least one more of your own words to each list.


Write these letters as headings. Sort your words into lists under the correct ‘silent letter’ headings.

b             k              l               t

So, for example, if one of your words this week was ‘calm’, you would write calm under your l heading, because calm has a silent l.

Add at least one more of your own words to each list.


What am I?

Write the key word answers in your book.

  1. I join your hand and arm.
  2. I’m an old ship at the bottom of the sea.
  3. I’m a very small bird.
  4. I’m all the parts put together.
  5. I’m an old-fashioned weapon.

Can you think of any other words with silent letters? Write them in your jotter.



Around the House: Make a list of five numbers that you find around the house. Investigate the factors of each and write them in your jotter.  For example, if one of my numbers was 12, I would write:

12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12

Arrays: Choose 3 multiplication sums to draw an array for. For example:

6 x 3 = 18







This is 6 lots of 3 stars.

6 x 3 can also be written as




This is 3 lots of 6 stars.



Koi Nobori, or children’s day, is coming up soon in Japan. In Britain, we don’t have a day to celebrate children.  Write 3 reasons that might convince a politician to create a children’s day in Britain.

Then, draw a koi nobori to represent your family. Remember:

  1. Koi Nobori start with a multi-coloured streamer which represents the river.
  2. the children’s carp are always smaller than carps representing adults.

Miss Donaldson  🙂

Welcome Back! 🐣🥚🍫

A warm welcome back after what I hope was an enjoyable holiday for you all, despite the weather! ☔️   I can hardly believe that we are now in our summer term and you only have 11 weeks left of Primary 5!  I’m looking forward to everything we will do in our remaining time together, and I hope you are too! 👍🏼

Miss Donaldson

Homework – Week Beginning 19/03/18




  1. thin
  2. thick
  3. thank
  4. think
  5. third
  6. thief
  7. thirst
  8. thumb
  9. thread
  10. throne


  1. thief
  2. thirst
  3. thumb
  4. thread
  5. thistle
  6. throat
  7. thankful
  8. therefore
  9. thirteen
  10. though


  1. thief
  2. thirst
  3. thumb
  4. thankful
  5. therefore
  6. thirteen
  7. though
  8. thought
  9. thousand
  10. through

Task: Create spelling pyramids for each word. Remember to line up the letters, for example:






Numeracy (Multiplication)

  1. The teacher needs each table to have four pencils. There are 5 tables. How many pencils will she need all together? ___________
  2. Sally gives out 12 party bags at the end of her party. Inside each party bag are 2 balloons.   How many balloons does Sally give out? __________
  3. Ben wants to buy 4 lollies for each of his seven friends.  How many lollies will he need to buy? ____________
  4. Lucy has 3 racks of CD’s. Each rack holds 10 CDs. How many has she altogether? ______________

Challenge Questions:

  1. There are four horses, and three people. How many feet are there total?
  2. It takes Laura 2 minutes to walk to Woodlands Primary School each day. She walked to school and back every day for 5 days. How many minutes did Laura spend walking to and from school in one week? (Remember 2 minutes EACH WAY) ______________

Maths Games

Maths Fishing: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication

Times Tables Grids: http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/3124

Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Sum Sense: http://coolsciencelab.com/sum_sense_multiplication.html

Number Fact Families (x): https://www.topmarks.co.uk/number-facts/number-fact-families

Topic Tasks

  1. Science Week word search
  2. Parent Council Logo design competition

Miss Donaldson 🙂






Homework – Week beginning 12/03/18

Well done to all of you who managed to complete their homework last week, I really enjoyed reading your book reviews!  Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:



  1. bounce
  2. pounce
  3. trounce
  4. lounge
  5. mountain
  6. drought
  7. scrounge
  8. scoundrel
  9. pronounce
  10. background


  1. about
  2. crouch
  3. pouch
  4. bounce
  5. pounce
  6. trounce
  7. lounge
  8. mountain
  9. drought
  10. scrounge


  1. couch
  2. crouch
  3. pouch
  4. about
  5. count
  6. mount
  7. mouth
  8. south
  9. house
  10. mouse

Task 1: Copy your spelling words, in your neatest handwriting, into your jotter three times.

Task 2: Train Words

Write your spelling words end-to-end as one long word.  Write each new word in a different colour from the last.  For example: aboutcrouchpouchbounce…and so on.


Maths & Numeracy – Multiplication

1) Nancy worked 3 hours a day for 7 days.  How many hours did she work in total? _____________

2) Keith goes out to lunch with Sam and Sandy. Each person orders the £6 lunch special. Keith agrees to pay the bill. How much will he have to pay? _____________

3) Melanie, Sandy, and Tom each have 7 crayons. How many crayons do they have in total? _____________

4) Nancy has 6 five pound notes. How much money does she have in total? _____________

5) Jason went to the beach for five days and found 8 seashells every day.  How many seashells did Jason find? _____________

6) A restaurant sold 5 salads every day for a week.  How many salads were sold during the week? _____________

Maths Games

Maths Fishing: https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/306/Maths-Fishing-Multiplication

Times Tables Grids: http://flash.topmarks.co.uk/3124

Hit the Button: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Sum Sense: http://coolsciencelab.com/sum_sense_multiplication.html

Number Fact Families (x): https://www.topmarks.co.uk/number-facts/number-fact-families



Explore the KidsWeb Japan website and collect some interesting facts to share with the class.



Miss Donaldson  🙂

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