Ancient Egypt

Welcome back Primary 5! I hope you all had a lovely break!

As you all know, this term our topic is ancient Egypt.  If you have a chance, I have listed several websites below that are helpful in learning about this topic.

Ancient Egypt

If you do learn anything interesting, let me know and you can share your information with the rest of the class.  Have fun researching!

Miss Donaldson  🙂


Show Songs and Costumes

For the last two days, Primary 5 have been practicing our songs on the stage in preparation for the school show.  They are coming along really well but, as we all know, practice makes perfect!  For your homework this week all I ask is that you are all practicing both of your songs at least twice a night to make sure that you know the words inside-out and back-to-front by the time the show is upon us!

In addition, please could everyone bring in:

  • bright trousers/ leggings/ tights – preferably white or plain coloured (orange, red, black)
  • t-shirt – plain colour black or red
  • gym shoes or soft trainers
  • Any accessories you can use as fire breathers – fish net gloves etc.

Please bring in, in a labelled bag ASAP. Thank you! 🙂

Homework – Week Beginning 21/05

Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:

Literacy:  Non-Fiction

We have been learning about non-fiction texts in class.

Non-fiction texts can be divided into six main types:

  • information texts – non-fiction books, information leaflets, catalogues, magazine articles,
  • recount texts – personal story, biographies, autobiographies, diary, experiment, retelling events, newspaper articles.
  • instruction texts – step by step guides, recipes, How to…, activity instructions, science investigations.
  • explanation texts – e.g. What causes a tsunami? What causes the seasons? How does the moon affect the tides?
  • persuasion texts – adverts, answers to questions, leaflets, brochures, posters, letters to persuade someone to listen to your view i.e. writing to a local shop to persuade them to stock more Fair Trade products.
  • argument texts – debates i.e. should we..? Should children wear a school uniform? Should dogs be kept on the lead in public places?


Features of Non – Fiction Texts (Not all features will be in all types of non-fiction text)

  • heading / Title
  • sub-heading / sub-title
  • labelled diagrams
  • photos, pictures
  • labels for photos, pictures
  • captions for photos, pictures
  • bullet points
  • key information
  • text boxes
  • question boxes
  • technical and topic related vocabulary
  • glossary
  • contents page


Task: Select a non-fiction text at home, from the class library, or from your local library.  Read it, write the title and author in your jotter and complete at least 2 of the following tasks:

  • Write down 5-10 interesting facts that you have found out in your reading.
  • Choose your favourite section from your text and summarise the main points.
  • Draw a diagram of something mentioned in your text and label it with relevant information.
  • Find 5-10 technical words that you don’t know and write your own glossary to explain what they mean. Use a dictionary to help you.
  • Write a list of features of your non-fiction text. Does it have a contents? How many features can you find?
  • Make a poster, leaflet or pamphlet which illustrates and summarises the main points of your chosen text.



We have been learning that division is just the inverse, or opposite, of multiplication. So, for example, if we know that 5 X 6 = 30, then we also know that 30 ÷ 6 = 5.

Practise your recall of division facts by playing the following topmarks games:


Your Active Learn accounts have also been updated with new games.



As with last week, please practise all of your song words for our show songs “Just Like Fire” and “Relight My Fire”. Our songs are starting to sound great but we really need to practice our verses to make sure that we can sing them nice and clearly.


Miss Donaldson  🙂

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