All posts by Mr Green

Rights with Mr Green – Article 3

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We spent the morning with Mr Green exploring Article 3. Article 3 states that all adults must act in the best interests of children at all times.

We considered and examined some of things that adults at Woodlands Primary do to help us, some we enjoy and some we don’t. But we know that decisions are made to keep us safe and healthy and to help us learn.

Fairtrade in ICT

Primary 5 looked at specific Fairtrade products and selected how they were going to present their information. Some children used Powerpoint to create posters, quizzes and presentations. Other children decidd to challenge themselves and use their programming skills to create a Fairtrade animation on Scratch.


Stop-motion Animation

Today Primary 5 were learning about creating stop-motion animations.  They had to carefully plan, organise and sequence events to solve problems and complete challenges.  They started by using whiteboards and pens then moved on to using characters.