🛸 Monday 1st June 🛰

Good morning and happy 1st of June!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and that you were all bee-ing safe in the sun! ☀️

🚀 Did any of you catch sight of the SpaceX?  Just my luck that the night it was cancelled I was ready and waiting outside, but on the night it did launch I completely forgot to look!  Luckily there have been lots of YouTube videos posted if, like me, you forgot too!

Here is a video of the launch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLNS1h7One8

Here is a video of when the SpaceX crew boarded the International Space Station: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9PtxnyLWco

Someone in Cumbernauld filmed this clip of what he saw (not the best quality but I thought it was interesting that he was able to spot it in Cumbernauld): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m39vohqXRnc

Here is a better quality video of someone’s view (although I think this person lives in America as it looks like it is daytime): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40Wy6Pc3078

Did you know that Nasa have a website for children?  Explore the Kids’ Club here: https://www.nasa.gov/kidsclub/index.html


Today we will be practising our spelling!


Monday 1st June


I can use spelling strategies to help me spell accurately.


Warm Up:

A: Write the numbers 1-6 in your jotters.  Match a key word to each of the pictures.

B: Write a sentence about three of the pictures.

Main Task:

A: For each of the given nouns, write the related adjective.  For example:

  1. nature – natural

B: For each of the adjectives, write the related nouns.  For example:

  1. occasional – occasion


Many adverbs end in ‘-ly’.  When adding an ‘-ly’ ending to a word ending in al, don’t be tempted to drop one of the l’s.  You need them both!

A: Copy and complete the following chart.

noun adjective adverb
norm normal normally
act actual

B: What do you notice about the last three?


Warm Up: Mental Maths

  1. Partition the number 20,616
  2. Round 87,968 to the nearest thousand
  3. ______ – 21 = 6,843
  4. Write down a multiple of 6 between 50 and 60
  5. A flight flying to Moscow leaves Glasgow at 09:10am. The flight lasts 5 hours and 20 minutes.  What time does the flight arrive?
  6. How many legs are there on 6 elephants?
  7. Write down the number seventy-two thousand, eight hundred and thirty-three
  8. 63 ÷ ______ = 7
  9. What number comes halfway between 634 and 644?
  10. What is ¼ of 40?
  11. What is the next number in the sequence? 7,845    7,865    7,885    7,905    _______
  12. The date is Monday 1st What will be the date in a weeks time?
  13. I started with £10. I spent £4.82.  How much do I have left?
  14. How many 10p’s are in £5.40?
  15. Half of 742 = ?
  16. Make 402 ten times bigger.


Main Task: Decimal Numbers

01.06.20         Decimal Numbers

I can order and compare decimal numbers (1 decimal place).

Need a reminder? Watch the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHUl4kZDD6c


Activity 1:

To get us started, let’s first practise partitioning decimal numbers.

For example, the number 32.7 = 30 + 20.7

Whereas the number 67.9 = 60 + 7 + 0.9

Try it yourself!

  1. 7
  2. 6
  3. 9
  4. 4
  5. 2
  6. 5

Activity 2:

Using the greater than (>), less than (<) or equals to (=) symbols, compare these decimal numbers.  Remember to read your numbers from left to right.  A number with tens is always going to be bigger than a number with no tens.

  1. 8 ___ 1.2
  2. 5 ___ 0.2
  3. 43 ___ 7.1
  4. 9 ___ 0.4
  5. 7 ___ 8
  6. 2 ___ 6.8
  7. 65 ___ 0.5
  8. 46 ___ 9.9
  9. 9 ___ 3.9
  10. 7 ___ 76
  11. 1 ___ 1.3
  12. 9 ___ 14
  13. 7 ___ 13
  14. 6 ___ 8.1

Activity 3:

Write these decimal numbers from smallest to largest.

Traffic light and comment to say how you found ordering and comparing decimal numbers today. 🚦


There are lots of great games to help build your understanding of comparing decimal numbers.  Here are a few:

https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10 (level 4, ordering – ones and tenths)


http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/decimals/CompareDecimals.htm (This needs Flash so won’t work on a tablet)


Remember to spend some time on Sumdog today to be in with a chance of winning 200 coins from me!

Seeing as it is going to be sunny today, why don’t you do a shadow experiment?  All you need is some outdoor chalk and someone to help you!

Step 1: Have someone draw around your feet.

Step 2: Then, ask your helper to draw around your shadow.  Label your shadow with the time.

Step 3: Make a prediction; do you think there will be any changes to a) the place that your shadow falls throughout the day and b) the length of your shadow throughout the day.

Step 4: After 2-3 hours, put your feet in the exact same place they were originally and ask your helper to draw around your shadow again.  Label your shadow with the time.

Step 5:  Do this several times throughout the day.  Does anything change?

If you don’t have any outdoor chalk, you could do a similar experiment by drawing round a toy figure.  Place your figure on a piece of paper and draw around the shadow.  Label the shadow with the time.  Come back to your figure after 2-3 hours and draw around the shadow again.

👩🏻‍🔬 To learn about the science behind your result, watch this explanation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SN1BOpLZAs

Miss Donaldson 🦋

2 thoughts on “🛸 Monday 1st June 🛰”

  1. We all watched the SpaceX launch live on NASA and had late night in the sunshine ☀️although we never managed to see it in the sky. We have seen ISS couple weeks ago when nights seemed a bit darker. Zak rushed off after the blog today to spend his day in the garden 😂 So thought I’d leave a wee comment since he was in a rush

    1. I’m glad one of us remembered that it was on! From what I hear from people who did spot it, you had to be looking at the right place at the right time. I don’t blame him for wanting to be outside, let’s enjoy it while it lasts – you just know for certain that as soon as the summer holidays begin it will rain relentlessly until August! Nice to hear from you both!

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