Wednesday 7th October πŸ‚

Primary 5/6 were helping to keep our school environment clean and tidy today by litter picking. We were amazed how much litter we found!

In continuance of our World of Work topic, we were learning about the police and the different kinds of jobs they offer, such as dog handlers, call operators, fast responders and helicopter pilots.

Great work everyone!
Miss Donaldson πŸ‘πŸΌ

Tuesday 6th October

This afternoon we were learning about the work that the ambulance service carries out. We were also talking about different situations and learning Β when you need to phone 999, phone 112, visit your GP, visit a pharmacy or administer some first aid yourself. We learned what to do in a medical emergency when you need to phone 999. πŸš‘

Have a good night Primary 5/6!

Miss Donaldson πŸ’“

Friday 2nd October β˜€οΈ

Today Primary 5/6 were looking at adverbs which tell us how something is done.

Additionally, this week Primary 5/6 all selected a book that interests them and they would like to read. This afternoon we created some bookmarks for them using our folding skills. πŸ“š

Have a great weekend everyone!

Miss Donaldson 🌟

Thursday 1st October

This morning we had our online assembly where we heard from some of the Primary 6’s who are running to become vice house captain. NM, JS and LI gave a speech from our class and all the teachers have been commenting on how fantastic they were. Good luck, I think you would all make wonderful vice captains!

In other news, in maths the pink and purple groups have been practising reading, writing, ordering and partitioning decimal numbers. Β The green group have been practising counting on and back in 50’s and the orange group have been using the > and < symbols to compare two numbers. Marvellous maths everyone! ✨

Miss Donaldson ☺️