☔️ Friday 19th June 🌩

👋🏼 Good morning everyone!  We have nearly come to the end of our last full week of online lessons – hasn’t the time flown?  I can hardly believe that we have been home schooling now for 13 weeks!  Where has the time gone! 💨

Anyway, I hope that you have enjoyed Health and Wellbeing week so far.  I sent my nephew the party budgeting activity that we did on Tuesday and he was a big fan – he asked me to make him up another version which has more options and a bigger budget.  I would be more willing to do it for him if I hadn’t noticed that I wasn’t listed as one of his party guests – the cheek! 🙄

Today our focus is to keep learning!


Task 1: For your literacy warm-up today I would like you to hop over to Sumdog and practise your spelling and/or grammar for 15 minutes.

Task 2: Recipe for Success 👨‍🍳👩‍🍳

For our literacy task today, we are going to be thinking about what we would like to work on next year.  It is up to you what you want to focus on; perhaps your story writing, times tables, handwriting or even making friends.  Wherever you feel you need to strengthen.

Here is a template to show you the layout for your recipe for success:

Ingredients Section

Now, obviously these are not going to be typical ingredients!  We don’t need any flour or eggs for this recipe!  The ingredients that you will be needing are things like positivity, focus, patience, hard work and belief in yourself.  Try to include at least 6 ingredients.

Think about the quantity of each ingredient too; a typical ingredient section not only tells you what to put into your recipe but also how much to put in.  For example, you might want 2 cups of effort in your recipe and a few sprinkles of fun. ✨

Useful quantity words:

  • cups
  • handful
  • tablespoons
  • teaspoons
  • sprinkle
  • dash
  • pinch
  • scattering
  • hint
  • splash
  • dusting
  • drop
  • scoop

Equipment Section

You could be literal and talk about the kitchen equipment that you would need to bake, for example, a cake (a mixing bowl, cake tin, whisk etc.), or you could think about what you will need to help you be successful next year (perhaps a helpful teacher, supportive friends, lots of paper to practice and so on).

Method Section

We are once again going to use those command words, also known as imperative verbs.  Think about how real recipes are written.  For example, you could write “Combine your cup of hard work with a dash of positivity.  Whisk together until smooth”.

Task 3: Kindness Diary

Lastly, don’t forget to fill out your kindness diary today!


Warm-Up: Mental Maths

  1. Write the number nine thousand and ninety.
  2. Find the sum of 6, 6, 5 and 7.
  3. Write 2 numbers with a difference of 12.
  4. Write the number that is 100 less than 9091.
  5. Round Joe’s height of 115cm to the nearest 10 centimetres.
  6. What is the 9th multiple of 8?
  7. A box of 100 chews cost £6. What does 1 cost?
  8. Complete the following statement using the > < symbols: -8 __ 6
  9. Double 4000.
  10. There are 380 sweets in a large jar. How many sweets are there in 2 jars?
  11. Danny left home at 8:35am in order to get to school for 9:15am. How long did the journey take him?
  12. 976 people visited a Theme Park in one day. They each had 10 rides. How many rides altogether?
  13. 3 children share 93 cubes. How many does each child get?
  14. How many minutes are there in 4 hours?
  15. Two tickets to a football match cost £21.60. What does one ticket cost?
  16. It is Friday 19th June. What date is it next Thursday?


Main Activity: Measuring

I can measure capacity.


*Top Tip* Work out what your scale is going up in first.  Some jugs go up in 2’s, some go up in 5’s and some go up in 10’s.

🌶 Challenge:


Now it’s time for a treat! Measure out your ingredients for your favourite recipe – fairy cakes, pancakes, brownies, scones…Yum! 🍪🧁🍰

Other Activities you could complete today:

  • Fun science experiments using things that you might find in your home 🧪 :
  • Create a bird feeder to hang in your garden or on one of your walks: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/52986146. Perhaps you could create a survey of the different kinds of birds that you spot in the space of an hour – it’s amazing what you can see!  Once when I was coming out of school I spotted about 5 bullfinches which were all siting on a tree in the playground.  I was really excited because I had never seen a bullfinch before (or since) and they look really cool!

Have a great weekend!

Miss Donaldson 🦩

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