🤸‍♀️ Thursday 18th June 🏃

👋🏼 Morning Primary 5, how are we all today?  I hope you are all enjoying Health and Wellbeing week so far; we will be looking at keeping active today! 🏃‍♀️🏃

Before we get onto that though I wanted to congratulate yesterday’s Sumdog champions YS, MM, RA, EH and NM on their fantastic accuracy yesterday – one of them answered a mammoth 315 questions correctly yesterday! Outstanding work! 🏅


Task 1: For your literacy warm-up today please practise your spelling words of the week by completing one of the spelling tasks below.  Remember your spelling words of the week are all compliment words:

  1. adventurous
  2. confident
  3. considerate
  4. determined
  5. generous
  6. imaginative
  7. intelligent
  8. optimistic
  9. organised
  10. patient
  11. reliable
  12. thoughtful

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Task 2: Game Instructions

For our literacy task today, we are going to be practising our instruction writing skills.  We will be writing out the instructions for how you play a game.  The game that you write about is your choice, but it would be wise to pick a game that you have played often as you are more likely to know the rules clearly.  For example, you could choose to write the instructions for one of our P.E. warm-up games, such as Jailbreak or the Rock, Paper, Scissors game.

Here are some examples:

Remember all instructional writing follows a similar structure.  Today you should include:

  1. Title of the game
  2. You will need/Equipment section
  3. Method/Rules section which will tell the reader step-by-step how to play the game.

Additionally, you could add diagrams to illustrate your instructions for the reader.

In the rules section remember to use command words (imperative verbs) such as ‘turn’, ‘pull’, ‘throw’, ‘jump’ and also think about using time openers such as first, next, then, after that, finally and so on.  Number each step so that the reader can clearly see the order that you complete the instructions in and use adverbs (quickly, carefully, safely, cautiously, swiftly) and adjectives to add more detail.

Task 3: Kindness Diary

Remember to complete day three of your kindness diary also!


Warm-Up: Mental Maths

  1. Write the number eighty thousand and three
  2. Add 1, 6, 9 and 7
  3. Decrease 86 by 29
  4. Make the largest number you can from: 4, 2, 6, 9
  5. Round 888kg to the nearest 10 kilograms.
  6. How many 9s make 81?
  7. Divide 700 by 10
  8. Complete the following statement using the > < symbols: 3150 ____ 4126
  9. Double 26
  10. Ann has 53p and Kate has 29p. How much do they have altogether?
  11. A train arrived in Edinburgh at 1pm. It left Glasgow 50 minutes earlier. What time did it leave Glasgow?
  12. A coach was able to carry a maximum of 80 children. How many children could be carried on 3 coaches?
  13. How many less than 68 is 42?
  14. James’ Dad bought 9 packets of party poppers. Each box contains 8 party poppers. How many party poppers are there altogether?
  15. Half 1,200.
  16. Playtime starts at 10:40am and finishes at 11am. How long is playtime?

Main Activity: Circuit Fitness

Today for our numeracy activity you are going to create, time and record 5 circuit stations.

First you need to think of what activity you want to do at each station.  Here are some ideas that I found of traditional circuit training activities but you don’t have to do these you could invent your own – perhaps a station that you do the floss dance at!  You need to pick something that you can do 10 of so that you can time it, no endurance activities such as the plank as that is about how long you can do it for rather than how many you can do.

Once you have decided what you want to do at each station you should create a table like the one below.  I have put in an example activity to show you what it should look like.

Attempt 1 Attempt 2 Attempt 3
Burpees 0.52 s 0.49 s 0.53 s
Activity 2
Activity 3
Activity 4
Activity 5

Now we are set up and ready to go!  Complete 10 of whatever you choose for activity 10 (in my example I would do 10 burpees) and time how long it takes you.  Record you time in your table.  Then do 10 of activity 2 and record your time and so on.  Once you have completed all 5 activities do you second and third attempt to see if you can improve your time! ⏱

Other Activities you can complete today:

  • Rights Assembly on the main blog
  • Outdoor maths challenge cards
  • Sumdog maths, spelling or grammar
  • Epic! reading or read a book of your own
  • Feeling crafty? If you have an old cereal box around you could create a cereal box guitar, a cereal box maze, a cereal box puppet theatre or a teddy bear car!

Miss Donaldson 👍🏼

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