📚 Thursday 11th June 📝

👋🏼 Good morning everyone! How are we today?

I made the best discovery yesterday!  Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone is being read on The Wizarding World website by a variety of celebrities such as Davis Tennant, Eddie Redmayne, Stephen Fry and actors and actresses from the movies including Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter himself!  How did I not know about this?!

If you want to start the book from the beginning you will have to get an adult to create an account on the website (it’s free).  However, if you would like to just listen to this weeks episode (Chapter 11) seeing as you all know the storyline from when we read the book together in class, you can do so without creating an account. 🧙🏼‍♂️✨ https://www.wizardingworld.com/chapters


Today for our literacy task we will be up-levelling sentences.  When you are writing, it is important to make your stories as interesting as possible for your readers.  To do this we can:

  1. Use powerful verbs.
  2. Use adjectives to describe the noun.
  3. Include adverbs to tell the audience about the verb.
  4. Lengthen your sentence by including connectives.
  5. Include a super sentence starter; time, place or character.
  6. Use punctuation to a greater effect, such as parentheses.


Thursday 11th June


I can improve the quality of a sentence through adding VCOP and other devices.


Warm Up:

Watch this clip to remind yourself about uplevelling: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8C4zryU1PQ


How would you improve the sentence ‘Sally walked to the shops’?

How would you improve the sentence ‘a man built a house’?


Main Task:

Improve these sentences by adding interesting vocabulary, connectives, sentence openers and a greater variety of punctuation.  You may also add other examples of good writing such as similes and metaphors.



Complete 1 vocabulary challenge, 1 connectives challenge, 1 openers challenge and 1 punctuation challenge from the cards below.



Warm Up: Mental Maths

  1. Continue the sequence: 9,842    9,832    9,822    9,812    _____
  2. What is double 351?
  3. 3 x 6 = ?
  4. 50,000 + 3,000 + 200 + 3
  5. Order these numbers from smallest to largest: 23,881     23,826     23,828     23,815
  6. If I save £2.25 for 6 weeks, how much will I have saved in total?
  7. What number is 9 before 6,784?
  8. I think of a number, then subtract 24.  My answer is 806.  What number did I start with?
  9. Round 77,534 to the nearest 1,000.
  10. Calculate 27 + 6 + 15
  11. What is 49 shared between 7?
  12. What is half of 852?
  13. Using > <, compare these numbers: 12,809 ____ 12,810
  14. Divide 43,600 by 100.
  15. If the time is 11:15, how long is it until midday?
  16. If I spend £2.89, what change should I expect from £10?


Main Task: Twelve Times Table

11.06.20         Multiplying by 12

I can build up my knowledge of table facts.


Activity 1: Supermovers

Let’s revise our knowledge of the twelve times table today along with the chirpy cockerel! https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks2-maths-the-12-times-table-with-chirpy-cockerel/z7v7rj6


Activity 2: Factor Pairs

  1. _____ x _____ = 84
  2. _____ x _____ = 36
  3. _____ x _____ = 108
  4. ­_____ x _____ = 12
  5. _____ x _____ = 96
  6. _____ x _____ = 48
  7. _____ x _____ = 132
  8. _____ x _____ =24
  9. _____ x _____ = 60
  10. _____ x _____ = 144
  11. _____ x _____ = 72
  12. _____ x _____ = 120


Activity 3:

Now that you have revised your knowledge of the times tables over the last few weeks, let’s put this knowledge to use and practise some grid multiplication!

If you need a reminder watch this clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSDaT4_YRCo


Answer the following questions.  I have included an example to help you.




Traffic Light today’s work and leave a comment to say how you found multiplying by 12 and grid multiplication today. 🚦



Today if you are looking for some extra practice of the 12 times table you could play one of the interactive maths games on Topmarks: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/multiplication-and-division.  Additionally, you could collect all the medals by completing the games on this site: https://www.timestables.co.uk/12-times-table.html. 🥇


North Lanarkshire Sumdog Championship

Please remember that the North Lanarkshire Sumdog Championship ends tonight.  Yesterday we had some really impressive scores; particularly from RA, MM, EB, ZM and YS who won the 200 coins for most questions answered accurately.  We can only climb that leader board with everyone’s help! 🤞🏻

For this week’s assembly the focus is on Article 15, which is particularly relevant right now.

Head over to the main blog to read more about Article 15 and the right to meet with other children and to join groups and organisations.  Then, complete the follow up task to explore Article 15 further.

Miss Donaldson 💕

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