🐠 Monday 8th June πŸ™

πŸ‘‹πŸΌ Good morning and welcome to a brand new week! Β What did you all get up to over the weekend?Β  I had a rather exciting one; on Saturday my nephew was born!Β  He lives in the Highlands though so I’m not sure when I’ll get to see him but my brother is sending me lots of photos! πŸ‘ΆπŸ»

πŸ‘πŸΌ A very well done goes to Friday’s Sumdog winners – ZM, DM, YS and RP!


Okay let’s get into our spelling!


Monday 8th June


I can use spelling strategies to help me spell accurately.


Warm Up:

A: Write the numbers 1-6 in your jotters.Β  Match a key word to each of the pictures.

B: Which key word fits the gap?Β  Write them in your jotter!

Main Task:

Can you solve the riddles?Β  All the answers are words that end β€˜-nnel’.


Can you sort the words in the box into 8 groups of 3, depending on their endings?Β  The first group has been done for you!

fossil nostril tonsil



Warm Up: Mental Maths

  1. If I have Β£2, how many chocolate bars costing 20p can I buy?
  2. What must you add to 965 to make 1,000?
  3. Marie has Β£4.60. She buys a magazine costing Β£2.50.Β  How much does she have left?
  4. Write these numbers from smallest to largest: 4,392Β Β Β  4,384Β Β Β  4,361Β Β Β  4,318Β Β Β  4,366
  5. 281 – 137
  6. Katy gets Β£4 pocket money a week. She wants to buy a toy that costs Β£35.Β  How many weeks will she need to save for?
  7. Here is a multiplication sum: 6 x 5 = 30. Write a division sum using these same 3 numbers.
  8. The time is quarter past 2. What will the time be in half an hour?
  9. ______ x 4 = 120
  10. Partition the number 31,702
  11. Round 11,279 to the nearest thousand
  12. What number comes halfway between 2,816 and 2,826?
  13. Half of 638 = ?
  14. Make 110 ten times bigger.
  15. The date is Monday 8th What will be the date next Wednesday?
  16. ______ – 38 = 2,719


Main Task: Decimal Numbers

08.06.20Β  Β  Β  Β  Β Decimal Numbers

I can count on in tenths.

Today we are going to be building on our learning of tenths by looking at larger numbers that have both whole numbers (units) and part of a number (tenths).

Activity 1:

Each complete tower has 10 cubes.Β  Write in fraction form and in decimal form how many towers each child has made.

For example, if the child has made 2 complete towers of 10 cubes and 1 incomplete tower of 4 cubes, that could be written as 2 4/10 or 2.4.

Activity 2:

Before starting this activity, I recommend that you watch the following clip to remind you how to count in tenths on a number line.Β  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgrTBxKbrgk Note: the narrator in this video says ones instead of units because it is American, so just note that they mean units!

Write the letters a-g in your jotters.Β  Write in fraction form and in decimal form the position shown by each arrow.

Activity 3:

Write the numbers in decimal form.


Traffic light and comment to say how you found counting in units and tenths today. 🚦



(Level 3 – Fractions.Β  Decimal equivalents of Β ?/10)

Did you know that today is World Ocean Day?Β  If you have a chance, I really recommend checking out the World Ocean Day website as throughtout the day there will be a variety of interactive activities such as ocean films, science lessons, music performances, yoga lessons, storytelling and lots more! πŸ‹πŸ‘πŸ¦πŸ¬πŸ¦€πŸ™πŸ³πŸ¦žπŸŸπŸ¦‘πŸ¦ˆ Β https://worldoceanday.school/

Have a great day,

Miss Donaldson πŸ•Ά

2 thoughts on “🐠 Monday 8th June πŸ™”

    1. You are very welcome Rory, you earned it! I hope you did find the work fun! How are you?
      Miss Donaldson πŸ™‚

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