Homework – Week Beginning 26/02/18

What an exciting week we have coming up in Primary 5! Monday was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight so we have been learning all about why it is important to buy products which ensure that the farmers are getting a fair price for their goods.  Additionally, Thursday is World Book Day so we have a day of fun activities planned to celebrate all of our favourite books and authors.  I’m also very much looking forward to seeing all of you dressed in your costumes and pyjamas!

Well done to everyone who handed in last week’s homework – great effort!  I particularly enjoyed a few of your samurai drawings!

This weeks homework tasks are as follows:



  1. invite
  2. divide
  3. entire
  4. admire
  5. athlete
  6. describe
  7. extreme
  8. concrete
  9. complete
  10. Japanese


  1. these
  2. quite
  3. invite
  4. divide
  5. entire
  6. admire
  7. delete
  8. athlete
  9. extreme
  10. Japanese


  1. hide
  2. bride
  3. crime
  4. theme
  5. these
  6. scene
  7. quite
  8. stripe
  9. delete
  10. Japanese

Copy the words in your jotter three times.

Definition Match

Choose 5 of your spelling words. List these words on the left side of your paper. Then write the definitions of each word on the right side of the paper but mix them up so a partner would be able to match the words and definition.



Solve the following word problems. There are addition and subtraction problems included so make sure that you read the question to discover if you are being asked to add on or take away.

  1. Tom picked 121 limes and Sara picked 102 limes from the lime tree. How many limes were picked in total?
  2. Keith has 829 Pokémon cards. Sam bought 344 of Keith’s Pokémon cards. How many Pokémon cards does Keith have now?
  3. Mary had £874 in her bank. She spent £554 of her money. How much does she have now?
  4. Nancy grew 114 turnips. Keith grew 102 turnips. How many turnips did they grow in total?
  5. There are 123 pine trees currently in the park. Park workers will plant 111 more pine trees today. How many pine trees will the park have when the workers are finished?

Create 2 of your own word problems. The size of numbers is your choice; your word problems can be 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits.  Ask someone in your house or a friend in class to complete the two sums.



Monday was the start of Fairtrade Fortnight. This means that children all over the country are learning about the importance of buying Fairtrade products to the people who are making and growing the products – and the Pupils of Woodlands Primary are no different!

Task: Become an advertiser; choose a Fairtrade product and create an advertisement poster for it to convince people to buy it.  Your poster should include:

  1. Catchy headline and name of the product (for example Fairtrade Football)
  2. Picture of the product
  3. Cost of the product
  4. Reason for buying the Fairtrade product (who it benefits)


Miss Donaldson  🙂

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