Homework – Week Beginning 19/02/18

Well done to everyone who got their homework in on time last week – great work!  🙂 Your homework tasks for this week are as follows:


This week we are focusing on learning a_e words.  These words are also known as magic ‘e’ words.


  1. escape
  2. activate
  3. estimate
  4. behave
  5. calculate
  6. celebrate
  7. decorate
  8. mistake
  9. irritate
  10. concentrate


  1. glaze
  2. trade
  3. shake
  4. scale
  5. brave
  6. awake
  7. shame
  8. scrape
  9. escape
  10. estimate


  1. ate
  2. bake
  3. fame
  4. came
  5. game
  6. rake
  7. blame
  8. chase
  9. frame
  10. behave

Copy out your words 3 times.  Use a different coloured pencil to write your vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

e.g. shame

Can you think of any other magic ‘e’ words?


Solve these subtraction sums.

  1. 816 – 513
  2. 351 – 121
  3. 732 – 526
  4. 701 – 344
  5. A farmer produces 492 litres of milk. 325 litres are sold to a supermarket.  How many litres are left?
  6. There are 617 pencils left in the stock cupboard. 278 pencils are handed out to classes in a week.  How many are left?

Subtraction Games: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years/addition-and-subtraction


This week, we will be learning more about the history of Japan.  In your jotters, draw/label a samurai warrior.  Underneath, write 3 facts about samurais.

Miss Donaldson

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