Primary 5 have had such a busy day today making the final few adjustments to our school nativity to make sure that everything is just right!Β  Β We are so excited to put on a great performance tomorrow!

This week we do not have any official homework, and homework jotters will be kept in school until the new year.Β  Children have been supplied with Christmas-themed worksheets and colouring pages that they may complete.Β  Sumdog and Active Learn will be available over the holidays, as normal.

Just a last few important dates to share with you all:

Monday 18th December – P5 Christmas Party 1pm – 3pm

Children can either come in with party clothes on, or change after their lunch. The children can contribute by bringing along one of the following to share with their class; 1 X 2 litre bottle of juice, 1 X large bag of sweets or funsize, 1 X large bag or multi-pack of crisps or 1 packet of bought cakes. Thank you. πŸ™‚

Friday 22nd December – Early finish of 2.30pm

Monday 8th January – Back to School.

Homework – 05.12.17

Congratulations to Eva who won the school raffle for children who handed in their homework on time. Hopefully another Primary 5 will win this week!

This weeks words are:

Authors and Illustrators

  1. quiet
  2. quick
  3. quite
  4. squid
  5. equal
  6. require
  7. liquid
  8. equator
  9. earthquake
  10. equipment


  1. quit
  2. quiz
  3. queen
  4. quiet
  5. quilt
  6. quick
  7. squid
  8. equal
  9. square
  10. squeeze

Please copy out your words three times into your jotter. Β Then, write out a definition for at least 4 of your words.


Please complete your times table worksheet. Β If you have been finding halving and doubling tricky it would be a good idea to also practise your 2x table in your homework jotter.

Well done to those of you who are logging in to Active Maths and Sumdog every week, one of you answered almost 1000 questions last week which is absolutely spectacular! As always, you can log on to either of these sites whenever you have a spare 15 minutes.


For your topic work please research Bonnie Prince Charlie and make a note of any interesting facts which you find (aim for 4 facts).

Miss Donaldson

Nativity Costumes

Please could all Primary 5’s hand in their shepherd (boys) and angels (girls) costumes as soon as possible,Β  in a plastic bag marked with your name.

Shepherd costume requires:

  • black trousers/ jeans
  • plain t-shirt of any kind
  • tea towel

Angel costume requires:

  • leggings/ jeans
  • plain white t-shirt

We will provide tinsel etc to complete the costumes on the day. If you have any problems please do not hesitate to get in touch. Thank you πŸ™‚