Homework (21.11.17)

Spelling Words

  1. balloon
  2. clothes
  3. earth
  4. friends
  5. great
  6. heard
  7. light
  8. something
  9. sure
  10. whole

Please copy out spelling words three times using look, cover, write, check.

Up-Levelling Sentences

Up-level the following sentences, using the VCOP (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) strategies we have been learning, to make them more interesting to the reader. You can use adjectives, adverbs, similes, to make the sentence more interesting.

  • The monster growled
  • The boy jumped.
  • The man sang.
  • The dog barked.
  • The lady swam.


Our class have entered a North Lanarkshire online maths contest with SUMDOG! This week we will be competing against other classes in North Lanarkshire, who have also entered the competition.

All you have to do is play Sumdog’s games and your scores will count towards our class score.  The final score that will be counted will be our class’ average score.

Enterprise Week

As you all know, this week is enterprise week and we have been making sock snowmen to sell at the Christmas Fayre.  Enterprise week is all about getting us to think of the world of work and life beyond school so I would like you to tell me what your ideal job would be.

Please lay out your jotter in the following way:

My Ideal Job

When I grow up I want to be a…

Explain why you want to do this job when you are older (1/2 sentences)

What do you need in order to achieve your ambition?  Research any qualifications or work experience you need.

Describe the skills you will need to do this job.  For example, to be a teacher you need to be kind, patient, and caring.

Draw a picture of yourself doing your dream job.

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