Homework 31.10.17


This week the high frequency words that we are focussing on are:

  1. write
  2. woke
  3. sometimes
  4. different
  5. following
  6. inside
  7. other
  8. such
  9. through
  10. together

For your task please copy the words out three times into your jotter. Then, order the words from most difficult to remember to least difficult to remember.  Come up with a spelling strategy for your three most difficult words.  For example, the word together is made up of three separate words (to get her = together).


As ever, you are expected to log on to Heinemann Active Learn to play some maths games.  You are also welcome to use SumDog at home.

You are also asked to complete a maths worksheet entitled ‘Stepping Out’ in which you will be counting up in steps of either 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7.



Finally, research the SSPCA and write down 3 facts or pieces of information that you discovered.


Miss Donaldson


Today in RME we learned about the Buddhist festival of light.  We learned that Buddhists often create flags and display them outside of their homes to make them more colourful.  We created our own flags and, in the middle, we wrote what our hopes and dreams are for the future.