Addition Tuesday
Last week we started to add 3 numbers together. Remember – you can add numbers in any order, the answer will always be the same.
When you are adding 3 numbers, look for easy numbers to add together first:
numbers that add to 10, then add the last number
look for doubles and near doubles to help you add
start with the largest number and add on the smaller numbers
Warm Up:
Watch this video to remind you of ways to add 3 numbers
Main Activity:
Try adding these 3 number sums in your jotter. Remember you can add the numbers in any order…just look for the easiest way for you.
Primary 1 Worksheet
Primary 2 Worksheet
Extra Challenge:
Play this game to test yourself on adding 3 numbers together. Click on ‘+’ and then choose ‘three one-digit numbers’
Primary 1a and Miss Murray's blog.