Monday Literacy Lesson

Morning p1/2 ๐Ÿ‘‹ย 

Back to Monday! Can you believe this is now our 9th Monday away from school – you’re all doing so well and I am still missing you all lots ๐ŸŒˆ
Well done to JT for being one of Mr Green’s Sumdog Champions last week ๐Ÿ†! Also, a very big well done to M-JS for her super reading on Epic and Oxford Owl – I couldn’t believe the number of books you read ๐Ÿ“š!ย 
Today marks the start of Mental Health Awareness Week. John Burgerman has written a fantastic picture book for children who are worried about Coronavirus. Click here to have a look at it – Everybody Worriesย 

Get involved this Mental Health Awareness Week! | Mental Health ...

Here are today’s activities for you to try – keep going and just try your best ๐Ÿ˜ƒ .ย 

Phonics Monday

Today we are going to do some work on our sounds and digraphs.

Warm up:

  • How many of our digraphs can you remember?
  • Can you read these words?







  • Play along with this game – how many words can you splat?


Main Activity:

  • Copy and complete the sheet below by adding ย the missing digraphs to the start of each word
  • If you would like to, you can draw a picture to go along with your words

SH/ CH/ TH/ WH & Review Digraph Worksheets Bundle! by Kindergarten ...

Extra Challenge:

  • Try making up a funny story with as many of the words from the sheet as you can. You don’t need to write the story down – you can just say it out loud. I managed 8 in my story below – can you beat me?
The whale invited the shark, the sheep and the chick over to his house. They were his three best friends. The sheep blew the whistleย and the shark got a fright and fell off his chair and broke the whales favourite shell!

Games to support Learning:

Challenge yourself by clicking on the โ€˜Phase 3 sounds


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